a brief history of this forum.... |
Posted by
- Saturday, September 18 2010, 11:45:33 (UTC) from *** - *** - ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Before we had this forum many of us tried posting at already existing assyrian forums. Soon we found oursleves and our mothers being cursed by people who couldnīt respond to the issues we raised...and then we were deleted, our posts altered by moderators who were being beseeched in private to "do somehting about this guy or I quit your forum"...so finally we were banned from everywhere. Nine years ago we opened shop and have been here since. In that time bethsuryoyo has turned into a private message board for Bet-Shlimon and his Dancing Lies...aina, the black eye of assyria, has suspended its forum and atour tv, after closing down for a few years, has reopenned but without a forum, just propaganda. Plus which several resident jackasses of assyria have given up and gone away...the atmosphere on all forums has decidedly improved...whether thatīs because the most serious, nationalistic, offenders finally left puberty behind or people cleaned up their acts is hard to say....but weīll take what credit we can. Our goal changed over time...first it was merely to try to understand what all the commotion was about...the best way being to ask questions. It didnīt take long to realize that you arenīt supposed to do that in assyria...that in assyria every ten people knows the truth and isnīt about to discuss it...you either accept their version or your mother is a whore. The more questions went unaswered, the more people who seemed to have strong opinions folded up and wept...the more contradictions between their stated goals and their actual behavior , the more our goals were modified until they crystalized around one thing: exposing the great hoax that is "modern-Assyrians". Stripping away their "nationa"l cover, their "ethnic" identity to reveal the same old dreary Christian sects whoīve been fighting each other for centuries, right back to when the Arabs, thankfully, came on the scene and enforced peace, but were never totally successful because religious bigotry is the one true hallmark of these Nestorian and other Christians... And we did it without calling anyoneīs mother a whore. Instead we did our homework, researched, brought in real experts and historians and not Aprims and Rosie-Malek-Yonans. And we never ever deleted anyone, banned them, or failed to address whatever issues they raised either in challenging us or presenting their own views. We inaugurated the Self-Banning System instead in which people were allowed all the freedom they desired, were in fact urged to give it their best shots, until they declared victory and went away...all on their own with no pain-in-the-ass moderator hounding and scolding them. I think people know when they donīt belong somewhere...you donīt have to throw them out...theyīll go of their own accord, like they came. And it worked very well....this is a stable, peaceful site where readers from around the world stop in frpom time to time..at about an average of 300 daily, to read and enjoy or not. While there is a mania out there in assyria to be the most popular and best liked,we go on our merry way challening anyone we like, and each other, bringing bits and pieces from here and there and musing about whatever interests us...all of it perfect peace and tranquility. This site was created primarily because we wanted to understand...and you do that best by asking questions and sharing thoughts with like-minded people...but always on the lookout for fresh new challenges...because only by being tested and questioned and challenged do you refine and hone your ideas and arguments...as we can see going on in the genocide debate just now. The other forums, while they claim to be working for some sort of assyria, or unity etc. are in reality engaged in that same old attack and "exposure" of the other assyrian. They claim they have the best interests of assyria at heart, and that they are at war with the enemy...with Islam, Arabs, Qurds, Turks etc. Yet not one of them is actually anywhere near the fighting...all of them sit comfortably, thousands of miles away and yell and scream at those hapless souls left to suffer under a barrage of bombs often paid for by those very same foreign assyrians so "in love" with their country and people that they wish to save them by all means, including death-by-war-of-liberation....a tried and true Christian tactic. We, on the famous other hand, are succeeding marvelously well at our stated goal, which is to expose them, not as being lousy assyrians etc. but of being no assyrians at all ( and not much Christian either). Weīre succeeding because our goal is actually attainable and we have a number of WMDs in our arsenal, but best of all we have them, working on our behalf to expose and destroy themselves. Their goal is impossible to achieve and in reality they arenīt doing anything to reach it...they will not get a country or territory by begging and weeping and slashiong their own wrists, or by manufacturing martyrs, ever...they can no more harm Islam than they can the man on the moon, but to make sure, weīre taken it on ourselves to explain the truth about Islam, in so far as the slanders these assyrians leval at it...we do that because we know that all will eventually suffer the effects of the religious bigotry and hatred these Christians-in-assyrian-disguise are spreading around like fertilizer to make their "nayshun" grow. Though this is the only really free and open forum, of them all, we see that no assyrian warriors dare come here....if they did, as a few have ventured in the past, they would see that we give them every opportunity to explain themselves because from their goofy ideas come the best weapons with which to defeat them...they are our best allies in exposing themselves...and I think they finally figured it out because none of them comes by any more. None of them dares to fight with words, while all of them claim they canīt wait to fight Arabs with guns and armies. Weare achieving and have achieved our goals...they havenīt even begun...and never will because their goal has never been to fight anyone but each other. --------------------- |
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