a little history of christian missionary atrocities until current times |
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"The Christian missionary mindset is generally depicted as that of simple religious folk with a pure desire to peacefully spread their gospel and message of love. In reality, their methods of propagation are often anything but peaceful and usually leave behind a native population stripped of their culture and often decimated. With Christianity failing in the west, the evangelists seek new and greener fields in the poor and uneducated sections of third world countries, backed by huge coffers from the less zealous, who are nonetheless convinced that to bring civilization and religion to the poor natives is a noble cause, even if they don't want it. Missionaries often intermix military campaigns with missionary campaigns in their fervor to "civilize the heathens," who are often simple happy natives, whose only crime is that they are not Christians. This mood of conquering the heathens by any means, at any cost, is supported in the Bible: Christian Hindu Preacher"Thou shalt save alive nothing that breathest. But thou shalt utterly destroy them..." (Deut 20) "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." (Luke 19.27) In the words of one resident of Thailand, “They [Christian missionaries] seemed that they did not show any interest for our culture. Why? They are just eager to build big churches in every village. It seems that they are having two faces; under the title of help they suppress us. To the world, they gained their reputations as benefactors of disappearing tribes. They built their reputations on us for many years. The way they behaved with us seemed as if we did not know about god before they arrived here.”[1] “Why do missionaries think they are the only ones who can perceive God?” In fact, most of the civilizations which were overrun by zealous Christians in their conversion fervor, were highly evolved in their moral standards, with complex social structures, high standards of cleanliness and hygiene, decorative art and evolved sciences, and content with their own religion. The arrival of Christianity actually caused these civilizations to move backwards. In this regard we need only look to Europe, for the Dark Ages of Europe is a time when the Church was in control. The Age of Enlightenment (Renaissance) began when the common people were freed from the tyranny of the Christian church. Temple DestructionChristian missionaries have oppressed many cultures, building churches atop temples, mosques and shrines. For example, the major churches in Rome are built atop pagan temples and many historians say that the Vatican itself is built on the ruins of a Mithra (the Roman Sungod) temple. The major Christian holy days are all taken from the pagan holy days. In fact, it is claimed by many historians and religious scholars that the entirety of Christianity is borrowed from other religions and cultures and is fraudulent — Christ is an amalgamation of a number of personalities existing prior to the [presumed] time of Christ. [ See also: The Borrowing Theory ] CHRISTIAN JUSTICE SYSTEM Because Christians believe that Jesus Christ suffered for the sins of others, they use this belief for their own purposes by "letting Christ suffer while they, the Christians, go on committing sin and crime." That is why the Christians go on slaughtering the Non-Christians, totally worry-free and with a totally clean conscience, because Christ will take care of their sins and crimes, and because they don't have to face the laws of Karma and Re-incarnation or the veritable consequences of these laws. It does not even occur to an average Christian to ask himself/herself a simple question, that if a person commits a murder and he tells the court that his Father will suffer in his place, will the court accept the substitute to suffer the sentence? An average Christian does not even think that if any court accepted this kind of substitution, then the justice system of the world, as we know it, would be totally destroyed and chaos would ensue. History is witness to the mass destruction of countless cultures, and the almost complete genocide of entire races at the hands of Christianity. History is now proving that most cultures destroyed by Christianity far outweighed in morals and dignity what they were replaced by. Since the effects of much missionary work, the cultural traditions of a people being replaced by some form of Christianity, are intentional, this means by definition (according to the United Nations) that genocide is the missionary profession: converting other peoples to Christianity and thus destroying them as an ethnical group, and denying the right of native peoples to exist as what they are, with their own culture, language, and religion. For a variety of reasons a massive depopulation, in other words the death of a large percentage of the native population, follows.[2] And this so-called righteous work continues even today around the world in the name of [Christian] humanitarian work. The plain and simple truth is that people never give up their religion, any more than they give up their children or their parents...except when they are pressured with use of force or are offered attractive allurements. The Christian Slogan that "Faith in Jesus is the only way to Salvation," besides being totally false, is also totally ineffective, in gaining converts. Trickery, treachery, bribery, and bayonetry, therefore, has to be used to obtain converts. The Christian Missionaries know this blatant truth and Christianity's brutal and barbaric record of twenty centuries in winning converts, is a testament to the savage methods of Christianity. [3] ' The Christian resolve to find the world evil and ugly, has made the world evil and ugly.' – Friedrich Nietzsche CRUSADES Holy CrusadesMany people think that the crusades were holy wars to liberate holy lands from non-Christians. But few are informed that many of the crusades were against other Christian sects, that many of these Crusades were launched for other purposes, such as the drowning of almost 6,000 Protestants by Spanish Catholic troops in the Netherlands in 1568, the sacking of the German city of Magdeburg in the 17th century, slaying 30,000 Protestants, followed by a 30 year war between Catholics and Protestants in which more than 40% of the population (mostly Germans) were decimated. Probably the most revealing event was the capture and pillage of the Orthodox Christian bastion of Constantinople by the members of the Fourth Crusade in 1204, creating an animosity between Catholics and Orthodox Christians which has lasted into the 20th century. In reality, the Crusades were the most ambitious Christian war enterprise and its most conspicuous failure. It was the attempt to force together all the known world and all mankind under the bishop of Rome, the Catholic Pope. Christian CrusaderThe Christian Crusades inspired the most bloodthirsty cruelty, and the greediest vandalism of medieval men. Politically motivated and fanatically aggravated, usurping all land and decimating all peoples who would not surrender to the Vatican. The Crusaders rolled over all who could not withstand their pillage and carnage like bloodthirsty conquerors. By the end of the crusades, most European Christians believed the unfounded blood-libel myths — the rumor that Jews engaged in human sacrifice of Christian children. A long series of Christian persecutions of the Jews continued in Europe and Russia into the 20th century. They laid the foundation for the Nazi Holocaust. [4] WITCH BURNINGS Witch BurningOf course we have all heard of the Salem Witch Hunts of 1691-1692 and the burning of a number of "witches" alive at the stake by the Puritans. But did you know that the Salem witches were all proven innocent? Of course, this was found out after they were burned. Did you also know that this witch burning, carried out all over the world to the tune of several hundred thousand dead (80% women), was initiated by the Catholic church to rid their dominion of so-called heretics and was directly related to their mandate to re-populate Europe after the Black Death or plagues of the 1300's, because their serfs were decreased by one third, thereby reducing the Church's profit by one third, since they owned about 30% of Europe's lands.[5] The ladies (midwives) were accused of impeding the birth rate — all birth control knowledge was vigorously erased, so much so that 20th century scholars believed birth control was a modern invention. The Inquisitors wrote, "No one is more dangerous and harmful to the Catholic faith than the midwives." Malleus MaleficarumPope Innocent VIII's infamous Witch Bull of 1484, launched several centuries of persecution of so-called witches. Several hundred thousand women, children and men (about 20%) were tortured and burned at the stake or hanged. The Malleus Maleficarum (the Witches Hammer or Handbook of the Inquisitors), available online here as a pdf - http://www.burningcross.net/crusades...leficarum.pdf], written by two Dominican monks, was perhaps responsible for more widespread bloodshed than any other publication (Christian or otherwise). The policy of torturing, burning and hanging of supposed heretics has been the church's policy for centuries, whenever they could get away with it. Between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries about a half a million people were executed for witchcraft, most of them women. PERSECUTIONS OF THE JEWS Jewish RabbiThere is a long history of the persecution of Jews by Christians, starting with the burning of synagogues in the 4th century, to numerous killings of Jews who would not convert to Christianity, to the extermination of Jewish communities in many European countries, all the way to a number of extermination camps during World War II in Yugoslavia, headed by a Franciscan Friar and run by Catholics, which were the equal of the German kilns of Auschwitz — killing about half a million people alone in this small country[5.5]. Hitler Himself justified the extermination of the Jews citing the Bible and Jesus: Hitler & Cardinal"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.... When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those (the Jews) by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited. ": (Adolf Hitler, in his speech on 12 April 1922) [Note, "brood of vipers" appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the money changers (adders) from the temple. The word "adders" also appears in Psalms 140:3] GENOCIDE IN RWANDA Rwanda GenocideHave you seen the Rwanda movie? Do you know that a substantial number of priests, nuns and even Bishops were indicted and a great many were convicted (by war crimes tribunals) for being directly responsible for the senseless slaughter of thousands of innocent Tutsis? Many clergy turned over those who had taken shelter in their churches to the machetes of the Hutu militia. The hatred and division between the Hutus and Tutsis was propagated by the missionaries as favorable for their objectives of conversion to Christianity. One priest even burned down his own church to kill hundreds of Tutsis who had taken sanctuary there. Two priests were sentenced to death in 1998 for their roles in this genocide and two Benedictine nuns who supplied gasoline for the burning of Tutsi civilians sheltered in their church fled to Belgium where they were later convicted of complicity to murder. Rwanda children wounded“Sister Maria Kisito, who received 12 years, and her Mother Superior, Sister Gertrude, who received 15 years, were convicted of aiding in the slaughter of some 7,000 people who sought refuge at their convent in southern Rwanda. Prosecutors argued that they called in Hutu militiamen to drive people out of the convent knowing they would be killed, and later provided gasoline that militiamen used to set fire to a garage in which about 500 Tutsis had taken refuge.” (Washington Post, June 9, 2001)[6] Rwanda GenocideOf course the Catholic Church has claimed their clergy were acting independently of the church, even though much of the most notable genocide occurred in churches and it is well known that the church's policy has been for centuries to divide and convert, to sew dissention between ethnic groups and then move in and take advantage of the chaos to offer Christian solace and conversion. In the end nearly one million civilians were butchered. TAHITI & THE PACIFIC Mutiny Bounty BlighWe all remember the story of Captain Bligh and the Mutiny on the Bounty. However, hardly anyone knows that the crew mutinied because they were so attracted to the idyllic life on Tahiti — the crew was determined to return to Tahiti and not go to England. Captain Cook himself wrote of "these happy islands and the good people on them. " Further, he later wrote, "It would have been far better for these poor people never to have known us." In 1797, the London Missionary Society put its first missionaries on the shores of Tahiti. Fourteen years later they had not made one convert, even though the happy Tahitians provided them with servants galore, built their houses and fed them. Finally the Christians devised an ingenious plan, which ‘converted’ the entire island in one day. According to a letter written home by brethren J. M. Orsmond, one of their own members, they reduced the local chief, Pomare, to an alcoholic and backed him in a war against other island chiefs, supplying him with firearms, to be used against the other islanders clubs. The understanding was that with his victory all would be forced to convert. Then, a reign of terror followed where non-believers were killed. It was declared illegal by the Christians for anyone to decorate themselves with flowers, to sing (other than hymns), to surf or dance. Within 25 years the native culture of Tahiti and the entire Pacific was extinguished. The attempt to make the Tahitians into service growers of sugar cane failed and the good Christian Mr. Orsmond, deciding that "a bountiful nature diminishes men's natural desire to work," had all the breadfruit trees cut down. Such practices, as well as diseases (brought from outside), such as syphilis, tuberculosis and smallpox reduced the original population (estimated by Cook at 200,000) to 6,000 after thirty years of missionary rule. Their power base firmly established in Tahiti, the missionaries moved swiftly to the outer islands, using the same techniques. They introduced a local chieftan to the bottle, crowned him king and induced him to carry out the Christian's work of conquering and converting at sword point. The Polynesians and Melanesian people were also very cultured and intertwined with the processes of creation. They decorated everything with intricate wood carvings and flowers and produced many beautiful things. Yet by 1850 all this was gone, the only remaining vestige of these great cultures were the grass skirts and swaying hips for the tourists. Prior to the Christianization of Polynesia and Hawaii the local dances were mostly performed by men of the priesthood, the Christians turned such dances as the Hula into a sex show for the tourists. The Christian conquest of the Pacific was complete. HAWAII Captain CookNot only did the missionaries and the Europeans bring the Bible to Hawaii they also brought diseases to the native population. The British explorer Captain James Cook's visit to Hawaii in 1778 is generally credited with the 'discovery' of Hawaii but history reveals that others had been there before. Many missionaries followed. The Hawaiians, like the American Indians, had no idea what private property meant. The missionaries decided the land belonged to them and not the native Hawaiian population. With the help of the American diplomatic representative at Honolulu, the Hawaiian capitol, and the aid of the United States warship Boston, a coup d'etat was implemented. The Boston landed Marines and sailors. The American missionary party formed a provisional Government and endeavored to make a treaty with the United States looking for annexation. Later, when President McKinley came to office the request of the rump Government for annexation was undertaken. The original missionaries to Hawaii ended up large landowners. Although the missionaries were a small handful of the population they ended up with vast land holdings to the exclusion of the native Hawaiians, who had lived there for thousands of years. Put simply, the missionaries stole their land. The missionaries did everything possible to destroy the ethnic Hawaiian culture, from banning all Hawaiian religious practices, walking barefoot, and even banning a faultless sport like surfing. Christians [according to the Hawaiians] are said to have introduced the mosquito into Hawaii in the hopes that this would force the natives to wear more clothes. Only in modern times has pride in Hawaiian art, song, dance and religion been revived. “When the Christians came to these islands they said, take this Bible, close your eyes and pray, so we did; when we opened our eyes all we had was this Bible and the white man had all our Islands.” Hawaiian Kahuna COLUMBUS & THE CARIBBEAN ISLANDS Christopher ColumbusChristopher Columbus, a trader of African slaves, is best known as the ‘so-called’ discoverer of America. In his personal log, Columbus wrote that, his purpose in seeking undiscovered worlds was “to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the heathens.” [Columbus' Book of Prophecies] On his first voyage Columbus described the natives as follows: "The people of this island and of all other islands which I have found and seen, ... all ... are so artless and free with all they possess, that no one would believe it without having seen it. Of anything they have, if you ask them for it, they never say no; rather they invite the person to share it, and show as much love as if they were giving their hearts..." But Colombus' mission was to take the land for Christendom and convert all these peoples to Christianity or exterminate them and replace their culture, hence: In whichever island he touched (on his second voyage) his men killed indiscriminately whatever animals and natives they found, "looting and destroying all they found," as Columbus' son Fernando put it. The natives were either killed or enslaved. Columbus commented in this regard, that the natives "ought to be good servants... and would easily be made Christians,” because he saw his affairs as the "fulfillment of prophecies in Isaiah." To any objections from the natives, Columbus responded with, "…with the help of God, we shall … make war against you in all ways and manners that we can, and shall subject you to the yoke and obedience of the Church and of Their Highness. We shall take you and your wives and your children, and shall make slaves of them." [7] Eyewitnesses recalled, "Once the Indians were in the woods, the next step was to form squadrons and pursue them, and whenever the Spaniards found them, they pitilessly slaughtered everyone like sheep... So they would cut an Indian's hands and leave them dangling... Some Christians encounter an Indian women, and since the dog they had with them was hungry, they tore the child from the mother's arms and flung it still living to the dog..." After all, the Indians were only infidels.” Of Columbus’ second voyage, it has been further written: “The Spaniards found pleasure in inventing all kinds of odd cruelties… They built a long gibbet, long enough for the toes to touch the ground to prevent strangling, and hanged thirteen [natives] at a time in honor of Christ Our Savior and the twelve apostles… then, straw was wrapped around their torn bodies and they were burned alive.” [8] In less than a decade after Columbus' first landing the native population of the island of Hispaniola (Santo Domingo & Haiti)— and thousands and thousands of people — had dropped by a third to a half. Before the next century ended, the populations of Cuba and many other Caribbean islands had been virtually exterminated. NORTH AMERICA VIRGINIA The Charter for the Virginia Colony stated that its purpose was to bring the Christian religion to those in ignorance of true knowledge of God. Historian Edmund S. Morgan compiled the following description from Christian accounts of events occurring in one of the earliest settlements of English Christians, in Roanoke, Virginia in 1580: "Wingina [the local chief] welcomed the visitors, and the Indians gave freely of their supplies to the English, who had lost most of their own when the Tyger [their ship] grounded.” [9] Chief Joseph“Indian openness and generosity were met with European stealth and greed. Ritualized Indian warfare, in which few people died in battle, was met with the European belief in devastating holy war. Vast stores of grain and other food supplies that Indian peoples had lain aside became the fuel that [later] drove the Europeans forward.” [10] “Indians who came to the English settlements with food for the British (who seemed never able to feed themselves) were captured, accused of being spies, and executed. Peace treaties were signed with every intention to violate them: when the Indians ‘grow secure uppon the treatie,’ advised the Counsel of State in Virginia, ‘we shall have the better advantage both to surprise them & cutt downe theire Corne.' " [11] Arthur Barlowe, one of the first Christians ever to set foot on Virginia soil, described the natives he encountered in 1584 as follows: "...we were entertained with all love and kindness and with as much bounty, ...as they could possibly devise. We found the people most gentle loving, and faithfull, void of all guile and treason ... a more kind and loving people there cannot be found in the world, as farre as we have hitherto had triall." [12] Their supposedly Christian treatment of these friendly native Americas was that: "...we burnt, and spoyled their corne, and Towne, all the people beeing fledde." [13] MIDWEST Cherokee IndiansGreed drove over a hundred thousand intruders into the area by 1825, few of whom were ever expelled. Though protection from intruders was a guarantee to the Cherokee by treaty, which the State of Georgia and the federal government were supposed to uphold it was never given the slightest honor by white interests. Forts were established to police against intruders but what they did was to harass the Cherokee and provide safety and protection for whites from those who tried to protect their families. The State of Georgia insured no Cherokee would ever receive justice by forbidding the testimony or presence of any Native American in a court of law, period, just like the Nuremberg Laws of 1936 against Jews in Germany. This gave all whites free rein to terrorize, steal and kill any Native person they wanted to. No Cherokee "removed" because they wanted to, it was because the protection they were assured by treaty obligation was never provided. The missionaries who entered Indian country were sent there to "civilize" the native people. They acquired this position by negotiation through treaty and were given vast amounts of land and guaranteed subsidies administered by the federal government out of tribal money. This money never touched the hands of the Cherokee and most often none was left after missionary, Indian agents, superintendents and corrupt tribal government leaders got done with it. In 1832 Congress appropriated $12,000 dollars to begin the fight against smallpox in Indian country, 20 years after they did the same for whites. Significantly, actual vaccination expenditures that first year "for smallpox and certain other things" amounted to only $1,786, as opposed to $5,721 for "missionary improvement" and $9,424 for the "civilization of the Indians." One year later, in 1833, actual expenditures were down to $721. [14] This is why most Native Americans today who are knowledgeable of their history are pointing out that the United States Government waged genocide against their people. When medicine to heal children and families from a deadly and mortal disease is withheld, that agency which does this crime against humanity is committing genocide. "Civilizing" meant taking children away from their parents at the ages of 5-12 years and forcing them to live without father, mother, sister or brother in missionary schools, if you can imagine that being done to a little child. This practice was not exclusive to the early years of American history but continued up until the mid 1970's in this country. Children were beaten and given forced labor during their stay in school. Participation was "optional" but missionaries controlled the annuities of food and trust money through their relationship with superintendents and the military. Families that did not surrender their children did not receive food or payments that were supposed to be guaranteed to them. Very young children caught in this situation were brainwashed to treat their parents as savages and barbarians and they suffered terribly under this psychological torture. By this method through several generations, Cherokees, like most Native Americans were stripped of the knowledge of their heritage, religious beliefs and trust of their family supports. This is why it is called a Red Holocaust and fits the United Nations accords for genocide. Any people whose children are taken from them in order to destroy the religious, spiritual, racial and cultural heritage of that people are victims of genocide. The pressure to build a slave based empire on Native Cherokee soil was highly successful. Thomas Jefferson who wrote the removal policy and openly supported genocide of Native Americans declared, "If ever we are constrained to lift the hatchet against any tribe we will never lay it down till that tribe is exterminated, or is driven beyond the Mississippi... they will kill some of us; we shall destroy all of them." [15] SlavesMissionary work was very big business. It afforded the building of careers, growth of denominational influence in regions that formed economic bases of support. Churches were established through lucrative payments from Indian funds and lands, which were deeded for use as farms, timber production and for sale in financing further ventures, not the least of which was buying selling and working their slaves. Churches and missionaries were aggressively competing for government contracts among the Native American people all the way up until the 1970's when Native American Education legislation made it too difficult for the government to sever lands for missionary work without compensation. To give some insight into the abuse of law that the State of Georgia in the early 19th century used to terrorize the Cherokee, the banishment of "intruders" was only enforced against whites, who stood up for the Cherokee by representing their interests. It was also used by whites through the… spoils system to get rid of squatters whose land was coveted by another white. Those whites who took public stands for Native people in the area were thrown out. Worcester was one such missionary. He returned and was thrown into prison for a year for his stand on Cherokee rights. It is especially telling that while almost no Indians voluntarily lived among the colonists, the number of whites who ran off to live with the natives was a problem often remarked upon. Historian James Axtell has concluded that the whites who chose to remain among the natives "...stayed because they found Indian life to possess a strong sense of community, abundant love, and uncommon integrity - values that the European colonists also honored... But Indian life was attractive for other values - for social equality, mobility, adventure, and as two adult converts acknowledged, 'the most perfect freedom, the ease of living, [and] the absence of those cares and corroding solicitudes which so often prevail with us.' " [16] After a century and a half of permanent British settlement in North America, even Benjamin Franklin joined numerous earlier commentators lamenting that "...when an Indian child has been brought up among us, taught our language and habituated to our Customs, yet if he goes to see his relations and make one Indian Ramble with them, there is no perswading them ever to return. [But] when white persons of either sex have been taken prisoners young by the Indians, and lived a while among them, tho' ransomed by their Friends, and treated with all imaginable tenderness to prevail with them to stay among the English, yet in a short time they become disgusted with our manner of life, and the care and pains that are necessary to support it, and take the first good Opportunity of escaping again into the Woods, from whence there is no reclaiming them." [17] Since they were uttered by one of America's founding fathers, however, the most widely admired of the South's slaveholding philosophers of freedom, they conveniently have become lost to most historians in their insistent celebration of Jefferson's wisdom and humanity." Further references available. [18] CALIFORNIA MISSIONS Chief Sitting BullJunipero SerraThe book, The Missions of California: A Legacy of Genocide, edited by Rupert Costo and Jeannette Henry Costo [19] (Indian rights activists), spells out the apparent brutality of the California Franciscan missionaries (and their founder Junipero Serra, who was to be made a saint) against the North American Indians; citing numerous contemporary accounts of the brutality and degrading conditions endemic to the mission system in California. Interviews from 1985 with eight scholars (arranged by the Catholic Diocese of Monterey in defense of Serra) actually contain the strongest evidence against the mission system itself. The ethnocentrism of the interviewees and their at times embarrassing lack of knowledge regarding Indian ways, leads to numerous questionable assertions. Serra's supporters generally acknowledge that the methods employed to convert the Indians would be unthinkable for missionaries to use today. The work of A. L. Kroeber, Sherburne Cook, Robert Heizer (all cited in the text) and others establishes that the arrival of the Europeans was a cultural and demographic catastrophe for the California Indians. Too often it is forgotten that Serra aimed not just to convert the Indians to Catholicism but to eradicate Indian culture as well. It is in this sense that the book's subtitle. "A Legacy of Genocide" is justified." Christianity? No thanks, I don't think so. No one can come close to what this religion has done and all other religions, ideas or way of life can not come close to the atrocities committed by this Roman made religion about a man they named "Jesus". --------------------- |
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