good old Norman..... |
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- Thursday, January 2 2014, 3:23:47 (UTC) from *** - *** ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...watching him slap around Zionists is a pleasure....and yet....I see the dilemma Jews and Zionists face...their REAL enemy is Christianity...the people they REALLY hate are Christians...and yet they have to take it out on Muslims because they are weaker, but only because the United States, and Europe, two areas of the world traditionally hostile and downright murderous towards Jews, "back them" up...and Jews know damn well there is no sudden love affair between them and Christian nations....the Christian West supports Israel blindly because Israel has no choice but to lend its backsides to the one religion and people who have murdered more of their children than anyone else in history...and THAT makes Zionists crazy! makes them crazy because they know damn well what is happening...and it may well be part of the plan, another "final solution". The world is being GIVEN reasons, and good ones too, to hate Jews and loathe Israel. What the Israelis are doing to Palestinians, even among people who like them no better than Jews, is shocking to witness...Jews know that more and more people are asking themselves, "How could people who were so badly treated by others, turn around and do the exact same thing?" (note: there don;t have to be extermination camps any more...that was too you have Gaza turned into a camp...that's modern Fascism at its best). ...There was never any real reason to hate Jews, as a people...they didn't even kill Jesus, it was the Romans...all the Jews did to Jesus was try to control him because he was ruining it for the collaborators...the wealthy who fawned on Rome...but they didn't kill him....and yet they've been made to suffer unbelievably, except that Christians were the ones making them suffer and after what Christians did to each other, it isn't so shocking what they did to the people they claimed killed their christ...except: if someone HADN"T murdered that man, no Christian (and there would have BEEN no Christians) could get into heaven, but that's a whole other insanity. ....the Zionists who go against Norman all wind up screaming and spluttering and interrupting him most rudely...and they all say the same thing...that what he is saying is "not true", even though he quotes from their OWN books! ...most Jews would like nothing more than to settle this issue in a way satisfactory to Palestinians, not to mention the entire fucking we could get OFF this "Armageddon Ride" Christians are so fond of. But Jews don't have the power to settle it, or do much else on their own initiative...they are the playthings and captives of the West, yes, those SAME damn Christians who've been using them and hounding them for centuries and every Jew and Zionist KNOWS THAT! But again, what is their option? Having seen the entire Christian world and advanced nations stand by, or participate, in their near-destruction, they know they walk a fine line...if the guy who murdered your entire family, but spared you, says he "loves you now"...what are you going to do? Spit in his face? You just saw what crimes he is capable really want to piss him off? The United States isn't an "ally" of Israel...there is no love for Jews all of a hear our government speak, or the Europeans, they have been the best friends and defenders the Jews have EVER had...and we know the opposite is true....and so do Jews...and it makes them INSANE that they are forced to cozy up to their prime persecutors...and do as they are told...and they are told to PREVENT even the possibility of peace breaking out between them and the Arab world. Some day, some day, enough Americans will realize the horrible truth that we are being manipulated into a state of constant fear and apprehension for our own safety, by an unending "crises mentality".....this is FUELED by American warmongers...look it up...our chief export is weapons...we can't make money if there is peace...and these guys Eisenhower warned us against are not going to get off the gravy train of constant war...just today North Korea's president said he wants total nuclear war with America...who do you supposes WASN'T terrified, but thrilled to hear this? Your kid or Boeing? The Israelis are forced, by us, to goad, to kill, to steal from the Palestinians...and do it whenever we tell them to, like it or not...and the majority don;t like it but in Israel too there are warmongers who profit from this collaboration from hell, and even though it risks the peace of Israel, the region and the world, the money is just too good and easy. I think the Zionists who debate Norman, though "yell at Norman" is more accurate, know he is RIGHT! But, what can they do about it? How are they going to fight the entire military/industrial/financial sector of American government/business...especially when those are mostly Christians who just a few decades ago were murdering Jews by the millions for NOTHING...nothing, really! The persecution of Jews never ended...but, like all aspects of Fascism, it has been modernized and streamlined...made's just that we've moved to another phase of that infamous "final solution" in which we have gotten Muslims to kill Jews and "threaten" them, at least in the world's eyes, and make them genuinely loathsome to many who never gave them a thought before or who had moderated their hatreds somewhat, but believe that now, NOW, they have the actual good reasons they lacked before, to hate Jews... while at the same time we use them as human "financial shields" behind which we sell our weapons and make, yes, a killing. --------------------- |
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