hehehehehehMaggieheheheheheheeh |
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- Thursday, July 26 2007, 21:28:33 (CEST) from - pool-71-116-101-196.snfcca.dsl-w.verizon.net ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
In Response To: To ALL Modern Assyrians (Maggie Yonan) The whole world knows the truth about Assyrians, but the Power Elite, afraid of Assyrians, (should they rise) will TRY to mutilate us and destroy us, anyway they can, ...this is my favorite goofiness...the notion that people are AFRAID of us if we RISE. How can anyone say that with a straight face? Afraid of Dadeeshoo..of Kenna...of Aprim...of the people in their bingo halls...at conventions...or how about at picnics. No one has EVER said what it is people have to fear...like everything else, they just SAY it and pass on....like it should be taken for granted...so I ask...just what are people AFRAID of? especially when they can use one of Assyria's own sons, like the CIA trained John Joseph, ...there you go again...you have no evidence, besides "I KNOW" for this preposterous claim. Just like Jassim and the other howling banshees...whoever crosses you MUST be an enemy. to dismantle and discredit us ...sweetcheeks, NO one has to dismantle or discredit you...don't you get it? You people do that to each other all by YOURSELVES. by giving him free scholarship, ...I love it when you go ape...dear heroine...a scholarship is FREE...by DEFINITION! You don't get a scholarship by PAYING for it...you get it by EARNING it! financial support, ...How do you know he got any of this? How come you only know THESE things about the man..these gossipy things you make up,b ut nothing of his achievements? You are a village gossip and scold. and free reigns ...free REIGNS? He, like every scholar and student and citizen is FREE...free to attend the best he can...free to read books, free to do research etc. to write ridiculous and unsubstantiated "RUBBISH" about us, ...no, no...what he writes is TRUE...what the truth is about, in the case of modern Assyrians, is the RUBBISH. He is showing, with sources, footnotes and an extensive bibliography that your CLAIMS are rubbish. so they can demolish us and our homeland to build what suits their needs, (i.e a Kurdistan). ...Jesus bless you. I couldn't PAY someone to write to this stuff. Everyone knows in order to write a thesis, you must have an advisor to guide you and point out your "mistakes," that way, when someone comes along to say these statements are wrong, they will not be the laughing stock. And when you go to defend your thesis, your colleagues must be neutral as well as learned, to be able to distinguish facts from fiction, and question your motives as well as your methodology. If John Joseph's methodology, which is full of "errors" not to mention holes, ...and you proven none of them...not a one. In fact, you haven't even read the book. It is not an easy book to digest...I've read it over nine times and I still haven't grasped all of its implications...you merely glanced at it and your heair fell out. were not questioned, ..you weren't there...you know nothing of what happened... allowing Joseph to publish them anyway, ...Brill Publishers, a prestigious publisher, does not publis errors "anaway"....they have a BUSINESS to run...unlike you and Aprim who have to PAY to have your scribbes printed...Dr Josesph had to submit his manuscript to their editorial board, plus the experts in the field that must review all scholarly entries well BEFORE publication. This is what kills you; that at every step in the long process, including all the honors he has won, Dr Joseph has been subjected to the most rigorous review there can be. and to add insult to injury, to award him a phD by hook and by crook, ...where do you get off calling it by hook or crook? Were YOU there? Where did you get all this insider information? Is this the same place you learned that Dr Naby hadn't earned her degree? You merely smear and slander people who achieve more than you're capable of. then you have to question the school, the advisors, the acedemicians, their motives, and wonder WHY they would allow someone like Joseph to do what he did? ...you mean publish a brilliant book? Like any character assassin, take Bush for example, you start by making unsubstantiated claims, repeat them over and over..and then convince YOURSELF that you've "established" them, using your OWN posts as "proof" that they were "proven..and then go on happily repeating them as if they were now proven FACT. It then becomes obvious, that they were all in cohoots to destroy the Assyrian nation, and it worked! Pancho is the living proof! ...sure..it was also a CIA plot to have me make monuments...MY that CIA will stop at NOTHING. You would have fit in well in any witch hunt. You fabricate all this stuff and then go to believing it...but I thank you. Your display of envy, venom and ridiculous assertions was JUST what the doctor ordered. ...and HE is trying to "destroy" people and nations? Who has done more damage? Presenting the lies and fabrications here as sufficnet evidence for trashing such man's reputation is more damage to anyone taking you seriously than anything Dr Joseph, or I, did. It is people like you who do the greatest damage...and we've been surrounded by them...they pretend to be educated and knowing while making sure to get us howling like banshees. Shame on you. Since their scheme succeeded, the Power Elite, by way of the Tabbaco company CEO, awarded John Joseph a "college" of his own. ...oh give it a rest...you found in academics nothing more than justification for your own personal problems. WHICH learned man has been awarded a "college" of their own, unless he did the Power Elite's dirty work for them? ONLY John Joseph, that's who! Not even the GREATEST thinkers and theorists of the 19th and 20th century, Karl Marx or Albert Einstein were awarded a "college" of their own! WHAT does that tell you? ...a whole bunch...about you. WHICH learned man has published a "history" book such as the one John Joseph did, that did NOT end up in the public library or a known book store? ..it is in several university libraries...I explained this...it is not a book for the average reader...it is a specialized subject..and there are many. You probably don't know that there are tons of books which are offered only in catalogues...and these books, because of low demand, are rather pricey...but the book certainly exists in univesity libraries...maybe not a college in Turlock. Amazon.com can get it easily. I got it easily...Jeff checked out of University of Michigan Library...are THEY in on this plot? You are a paranoid. ONLY John Joseph, that's who! TRY and find John Joseph's book ANYWHERE in a legitimate library or a legitimate book store, and you will NOT!!! WHAT does that tell you? ...there are hundreds of thousands of books you won't find at Barnes and Noble...or small city libraries...like I said, it is a specialized field and it is nothing shocking, to people who are in the field, that these books are not in wide circulation...since you got most of your education from the rack of popular books at Safeway, I can understand that you think you found a PLOT! WHAT historian, Sociologist, Assyriologist, or any other kind of reaseracher and academician with a fine and well-known reputation, has written a book like the one John Joseph wrote? ..what does that prove? Everyone in the world would laugh them out of town if they did. ..only you laugh at him...which reveals you more than him. WHO did John Joseph get to review the book for him? A well-known writer, a historian, an expert in Assyrian history? NO, NO, NO! None other than the mediocre and UKNOWN Eden Naby! ...what a sad person you are. WHY is it that John Joseph DID NOT go outside of the Assyrian community to find a well-known American writer or historian to review his book? ..he knows them all....he is in communication with them all... Because he KNOWS they will NOT do it, that's why! So he comes back to the Assyrian community, with his tail between his legs and pounces on an easy target, (Eden Naby)! ...Jesus. Then we have "Pancho" who loves mediocrity because he has read ONE book on the Assyrians and their history, (by an enemy of Assyria) claiming that Eden Naby is a "respected" scholar in the Assyrian community! Mind you these are the same Assyrians that "Pancho" despises, belittles, mocks, and defames 24 hours a day! ..not at all. I recognize their accomplishments even while I disagree with other things they do...you've been trying to trash Eden Naby for ages..probably because you overheard her disdain for your academic pretensions... He can't say she is well-respected in ANY other community, because she hasn't done a DAMNED THING to achieve fame or distinguishing marks, and she is STILL writing e-mails, begging people to send her materials. WHY? So she can do the usual, and claim their work as her own? WHO doesn't know that in the Assyrian community, other than "Pancho" who lives OUTSIDE of the Assyrian community? ....you are such a pathetic person...who would have thought that in addition to writing a brilliant book Dr Joseph, with the help of Eden Naby's mere presence, could have dismantled Maggie, without even trying. This is the reason she thinks there are ENEMIES...because at the end of the day she has wrecked her own credibility, but can't admit to such a thing...so she looks up from the smoking wreck she's made of herself and HAS to think someone else, an ENEMY, did it. Same with all of them...they rammed their heads smack into Kurdistan, when they boldlt set out to find "assyria", and rather than take responsibility for their srew-up, say someone else did...someone out to GET them. maggie is stalking hERSELF...she has taken out a contract on herSELF! WHAT does that tell you? ..that you're whacko? If that's not enough, ...enough? It is nothing. "Pancho" claims that John Joseph's book would not be "published" if it was not "factual." Does Pancho realize that today, EVEN legitimate and respected publishing companies will publish ANYTHING you want, .."anything YOU want" describes the PRINTING houses where YOU pay, they will indeed PRINT anything...like Rosie's book..and Aprim's and your's, when you get it done...this is not a PUBLISHER, who pays the costs, like Brill...it is a PRINTER, with a printing press for hire, whom YOU PAY...or, you can do it with a desktop...Brill Publications is NOT a PRINTER-for-hire...but a publisher of academic subjects...most of them in specialized fields not intended for fools or the lay reader. even if it is RUBBISH, and all you have to do is pay them $2400.00 to get them started? It is called PRINT ON DEMAND. They are in the business to make MONEY, honey! ...yopu sad, silly person...Brill Publications is NOT a print-for-hire...even this you don't know. Once you get started, like a shark, you go to thrashing around biting anything in sight...ultimately your own tail as well. NO ONE in the world has heard of John Joseph, a (has-been) yet he's praised by "Pancho" morning, noon, and night, and made into a hero for ONE reason ONLY: ..he is certainly well known among the scholars in his field. He is not a popular writer...he didn't specialize in a pop history...his area of expertise is the history of the Nestorians especially in their contact with western missionaries and their neighbors...this is not a topic of common or even widespread interest..it is a SCHOLARLY field...not a popular one. He suits Pancho's anti-Assyrian agenda. ...I'm anti your antics. Yes, the very Assyrians "Pancho" despises but makes a living off of by selling them Assyrian sculpture! ..no, no. You got that wrong...I make it possible for people to own art they couldn't get otherwise....no one goes into art to make a LIVING..if that's what you want you become an accountant, like you. And no one would EVER stake their living on ASSYRIANS...would you care to try? You are an amatuer, in everything except accounting, and it kills you. Youw ant to play dosntown, with the big kids...but to get there would have required more wit, intelligence, perseverance, dedication and guts than you have...so you took your accounting degree, got a job to make a living because, Lord knows, you couldn't make it off of anything "Assyrian"...and annointed yourself a writer, thinker, sage and trasher of other people's reputations..people whom you sense affronted you by going farther, working harder, daring more, tyhan you were willing to do. No one else would ever buy these sculptures except Assyrians! WHO has a need for them, EXCEPT Assyrians? ...not true....an English gentleman in Portugal bought two...for $21,000. I usually don't match silliness with silliness...just thought I'd post this. Am I being condemned for making sculpture for Assyrians and NOT for other people? I made the Ashurbanipal and Shumirum for OTHER people...because we needed to get some exposure...and we still do...only I'm going to correct the false information I placed on those monuments...so people will know a better truth about us. If you can't make it in the REAL world, you always come back to the Assyrian community, and then CRAP all over them! Some gall! ...man oh man. Seems to me your crap is all over the place...I make sculpture...what do you do? If you haven't read more than ONE book about Assyrians, then you WOULD be impressed by John Joseph! ....I've read plenty...but those are ancient history books and no one disputes that Assyrians existed...I'd like to know what books YOU have read on this subject...when I asked before you said, "WE DON'T HAVE TO PROVE ANYTHING"...a very wise and scholalrly point of view...well, Dr Joseph and others DO have things to show, and terll and share and defend and explore....I guess they have nothing to hide. So, tell us, what books, on THIS subject have YOU read? If you have never done a single day's research on Assyrians, ..looking up your own nose is not "research". then of course you know NOTHING about Assyrians, hence would be impressed by John Joseph, ...where did you get YOUR information from...would you like to tell us? who's taken mostly the works of others, and added a few unsubstantiated "notes" of his own, and called it a BOOK! ..that's not it at all...but what do you care? having given yourself license to lie and fabricate, why should you stop now? Everyone knows "Pancho's" game. Don't go to school, don't work hard and get a degree the hard way, don't study and develop any kind of discipline or methodology, don't read any books that don't suite you, don't consult "expert" Historians and Assyriologists, ...and you've done all this? Where? What books and experts have you consulted? In Dr Joseph's book he's listed all his sources...he can't afford and would never think to say, as you do, "I DON"T HAVE TO PROVE ANYTHING"...that's your game, not his. but do come to an ASSYRIAN forum and not only tell them THEY are NOT Assyrians, but FORCE them to teach you something for FREE, and if not, then bully them and smear them! ...what in heaven's name could you "teach" anybody? Except not to drink the water in Modesto? "Pancho", for all of his intelligence, has NEVER wondered WHY the history of the greatest nation on earth, (the ancient Assyrians) is now the scantiest, when the Assyrians were known for their education, innovantion, culture, history, meticulous documentation, and civilization? ...because you are NOT Assyrians. You just answered the question yourself. The Jews, whjo had not much of a culture and civilization nevertheless whet on struggling and growing and expanding till the day when they have given more great men and women to the world than their actual numbers would justify...the evidence for their ancestry is see in a steady progression...but for you to claim that YOU, especially you, are an example of the ASCENT of the ancient Assyrians is ludicrous...if anything you are clear evidence of the DESCENT of humans...Assyrians especially....if such a thing existed. The best evidence that you are NOT a descendant of any such people is this very POST! If one REALLY wanted to do serious research they wouldn't come to a forum 34 hours/day, to try to gather their information and build their knowledge, from a FORUM, much less. ..and I don't. I explained several times why I am here and why I have a fourm...it is to salvage the good name of the ancient Assyrians from the slime and disgrace you people have brought to it...as you have b rought nothing but death and destruction to the Christians of Iraq, not to mention the Muslims...I write so that others, stumbling on us in our dark...or seeking us out, can at least see and hear another point of view...as one would want in a democracy. We all work for a living, go to school, run a household, and have a LIFE, but we still do research, and are NOT sitting on a forum 24/seven. ...I do more than you....have more children...more horses...live in foreign countries, make sculpture, read books...and write. WHY? Why a great nation, that gave so much to the world, and whose history was so vast and immense, should be so hidden now? ..it shouldn't. Dr Joseph's book doesn't deal with the ancient Assyrians...his field of expertise is how the Nestorians came to be called modern Chaldeans and then later how the remnant came to be called "Assyrians". This is not ancient history...it is modern history in the MidEast...you can cite all theexperts on ANCIENT Assyrians you want...I'm sure Dr Joseph knows more on that subject than you do, but let's not go there...let's stick to Dr Joseph's FIELD...which has nothing to do with ancient Assyrian history...except where he needed to clarify the links between Arameans etc. Is it precisely because it so well-hidden that Pancho is lost and wondering WHERE to go to find out about it and extract the FACTS? ...well, I asked you but you WON'T TELL! Tell me, what books about so-called modern Assyrians have YOU read...and tell the author AND publisher. Sure it is, that's part of what he's lacking, but he is too "busy" to go to school or do some research on his own, to discover WHAT he is really looking for, so the EASIEST way out for him is to DENY our existence! ..your existence,,,as modern Assyrians, is the topic at hand...and that isn't taught at any university...no one is disputing the ANCIENT history of the Assyrians...we're discussing how it came to be that nestorisn started calling THEMSELVES Chalderans and Assyrians....that's all. Just because you stand in front of an ancient Assyrian artifact does NOT mean that you ARE the people who made it....3000 years ago. That way he can feel good about all those Assyrians that "stood in his way" of achieving something REAL for himself and his people. ...I did my part...the rest of you do yours. Oh, he'll come back and tell you that he's "the ONLY Assyrian in 2500 years to erect an Assyrian monument in modern Assyrian history" ...true. but what GOOD is that if he denies the existence of MODERN ASSYRIANS? ..it is VERY good...because now that it's up there...I can CORRECT the errors that i too, unwittingly, passed along...and it will do even MORE for the cause of salvaging the ancient Assyrians from your deathly embrace... I know of many NON-Assyrian artists who make Assyrian art, and do research on the Assyrians, and not ONE of them denies our existence. We need them more than we need Pancho! ...you sure do. I have absolutely no utility for you. Go tell the modern Armenians, or the Greeks, or any other ancient nation that has converted to "Christianity" that "they don't exist" but Pancho kheloo akhchee biyan midyeleh!!! ...that is a very different thing...but never mind...you must be pooped by now. Pancho, it will take us many years to get where we want to be, once we have RECOVERED from our devestation, but so long as there are "Assyrians" like you and John Joseph, our recovery will be an on-going process. WE will get there without you YOU! ...wherever you get, power to you. My task is to make sure the world knows you're a fraud...I revere the ancients....this realization that YOu are a fraud takes nothing away from my admiration of them...I'm merely going to remove any link YOU make between yourselves and the ancients..in that regard I do Ashur a great SERVICE. You have been in the Diaspora ...there is no "diaspora"...it's in the dictionary..what we have are people in DIAPERS. longer than ANY Assyrian and you haven't done a DAMNED thing for your people, ...you are NOT my people....I come from the ancient Assyrians NOT the modern Nestorians. yet you point out to other Assyrians and claim "they are not serious." WHERE is YOUR responsibility? Oh, you are too busy denying their existence to have time to do anything for them? CHEAP! VERY CHEAP! ...I exist...I never denied it. Surely YOU know I exist...I just don't exist as a modern Assyrian..which is nothing more than a Nestorian. You are not too busy to be on this forum 24 hours/day shooting the breeze, but too busy to do REAL work for your people. I know, he'll come back and say, "YOU are not my people." ...well, you aren't. Then what the HELL are you doing here, amongst Assyrians, ..you are not Assyrians. I'm here to PROTECT the ancient Assyrians..to keep people like you from using them to hide behind. and why the hell should you care anything about Assyrians and what they do, ...you are not Assyrians what they think, whether they will be killed or not? ...I care for them as people..and also as Nestorians...I was born among them. I care for all the people of Iraq...but you are using the name of the ancient Assyrians to get yourselves something, at THEIR expense..this is a gross injustice and a dirty trick..and needs to be exposed. Is it because you KNOW we are Assyrians, is that why you are here? That's PROOF enough for us! ...are you in America because YOU know you are American? That is proof enough for me. --------------------- |
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