in which we catch Beth-Shlimon writing in English! |
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- Saturday, October 1 2011, 16:03:22 (UTC) from *** - *** ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
FINALLY!!!! Ashur Giwargis – Beirut Annahar Lebanese Newspaper: 25/09/2011 Assyrians today are considered the indigenous cultural group in what is known as Iraq. ..."considered" by whom, besides themselves? Iraqis certainly don't consider them indigenous, or the sole bearers of that title. Throughout their history, they have been subjected to different kinds of national and religious persecution since the fall of their political entity in 612 BC. ...not this many times have we asked you for PROOF, and how many times have you failed to provide any? Their religion is Christianity, and they are divided into many sects: Syriac, Chaldean (Catholic) and Assyrian Church of The East. ...their religion is also Islam, Buddhism, on occasion, and no religion...Christian makes people Christian, not Assyrian. They used to form around 8% of the Iraqi population before the fall of Saddam, while today this rate has decreased to less than 3% due to frequent aggressions implemented according to strategies based on national and religious malice on one side, and international plots on the other side, especially after the Central Intelligence Agency controlled over the rule of Iraq (openly) since the fall of Saddam Hussain. ...Iraqi Christians enjoyed a good lifestyle before the US backed war of lies....if they have suffered since then it has been because of a Christian war, not because of Islam. As you say, they have been in Iraq for centuries...what has decimated them is America and Jesus....Islam could have wiped them out with no resistance any time in 1,400 years, but didn't... it took western Christians to do the job. In the recent eight years, Assyrians have been reluctantly involved in the game of “new Iraq” which was no better than Iraq of Saddam’s time or that of the Islamic and the Ottoman ages. ...what a peddler of crap you are...the "new Iraq" is the "no different" than the "old Iraq"...really? Saddam and the Turks did to Iraqis what America is doing? The Assyrian people know well who blasts their churches and kills their elderly and young only to implant intimidation amongst the people, so that in the end Assyrians are forced to join a scheme much bigger than themselves and even bigger than Iraq itself, the scheme which aims at expanding geographic entities coined at their expense. ....those who aren't fooled by you know this is all the work of the United you should have learned before, when you Christians take sides with foreign Christian attackers and occupiers, there will be there would be in the United States if Muslim-Americans took the side of any Muslim country attacking and occupying New York....Christians lived in peace with their Muslim neighbors, far more so than Christian ever lived next door to took another foreign Christian aggressor to get you people to once again believe you were going to be SAVED. You've been doing this since the 17th Century when Peter the Great invaded Persia and butchered thousands of innocent Muslims and razed their act of pillage which the local Christians participated in because they believed the Russians were going to save them...they didn't. No one likes a collaborator and there is always retribution. These entities give greater weight to the powers conflicting in such an area that has been, throughout its history, under the focus of western powers’ greed since the days of the “Silk Road” from Europe to the Far East. In this big game today, Assyrians are playing the role drawn to them: victims, and not players. They are victims torn between the fires of Islamization and kurdification. And some international foreign channels talk about them every now and then to show dissatisfaction about the Iraqi government under internal bargains between kurdish and Islamic racism. And here, western politicians and their media succeeded in showing the problem as “Islamic persecution” and the solution for it is “kurdish protection”, note that kurds themselves executed all the massacres against the Assyrian nation over centuries, and Assyrian lands in occupied Assyria (northern Iraq) are still confiscated by kurdish leaders with the support of kurdish occupation authorities. In addition, the project of the so-called “Christian governorate” or “Nineveh Plain governorate” is nothing but a result of that policy, for the kurdish project of achieving the so-called “greatest kurxxxtan” is known for those who are interested in the middle-eastern affairs, and the demands of kurds in Syria today are nothing but a sequel to this project, because the map of the project, that joins lands from Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq, is still hanging above Barzani’s head in his office as well as in all offices of the kurdish parties under the sight of Iraqi politicians. ...yes, and it makes perfect sense given your penchant for begging foreign Christian powers to save you. What you mean by being saved is, of course, an attack against Iraq, which you supposedly cherish....even now your "demandses" can only be met by violence brought against Iraq, but in YOUR name this matters not at all in WHOSE name foreign Christians bring violence to Iraq....your demandses will never be met, why should they be? Because YOU say you deserve it? It turns out that what the United States began is the best possible solution for all Christians in Iraq; get out or get dead. That wasn't Saddam's aim and it was never Islam's has come about as a by-product of foreign Christian attacks AND your own stupid belief that white western Christians were going to SAVE you....of course they want you all gone now, and your silly assyrian name wiped out. I would feel the same way. All that above is associated with crucial negatively important developments facing the future of the Assyrian nation as people and as culture. Unfortunately, lands and power, if any power, of the Assyrians make the major obstacle for the kurdish scheme. The so-called “Nineveh Plain” zone is considered the historical and national homeland for the Assyrians historically, demographically and truthfully, and is the point around which Assyrians crowd together; ...they "crowd together" there because the United States has attacked their country and enough of them have joined all "crowded together" in Iraq when you betrayed your Turkish and Iranian neighbors to the British and had to run for your lives as a is YOUR actions which ultimately decided your fate....and as usual you're trying to blame everyone BUT yourselves. And why should Qurds have "schemes"...aren't you desperately trying to hatch just ONE that will work? it is the most qualified for an inception towards the Assyrian national project which extends from Great Zab to the Tigris River (The Assyrian Triangle) within the one Iraq and along the lines of the other groups. However, unfortunately, this region is the strategic link of what is named “Iraqi kurxxxtan” to what will be named “Syrian kurxxxtan” (in case of any change to the Syrian regime). All Iraqi politicians in general, and Assyrian politicians in specific, are aware of this project and of the kurds’ intention to push the Assyrian “people” forcedly and by terrorism to seek kurdish protection under the slogan of “Nineveh Plain governorate” ...and why not? Didn't the United States seek to implement its policy by starving to death Iraqi babies? Didn't then Sec. of State Madeliene Allbright say it was "accepted policy" for the United States to do this in order to "motivate their parents to rise up against Saddam"? After all the violence Christians have brought against the innocent people, and nation, of Iraq, aren't they entitled to play this game themselves...especially when they must do so to help guard their future...since they know all too well Christian nations can forge ANY excuse to attack them...and murder them? according to the article /35/ of the constitution ..that is not an Iraqi was drafted by Paul Bremmer and ratified by rats who swam back to steal money and play politics....that constitution is binding on no one and will be thrown out when the Americans stop referring to means nothing and never did. of the kurdish occupation which, ...and what of the American occupation? Are some occupations more to your liking than others? in turn, stipulates that Assyrians be given autonomy (by Kurdish occupation authorities) in the areas where they form the greatest population, whereby kurds avoid the conflict with Arabs of Mosul since the residents themselves demand, though unwillingly, a governorate independent from Nineveh governorate, when the Assyrians take the hit. Arabization has been launched anew against these Assyrians - Today thousands of hectares of their lands are being confiscated by Arabist trends in Mosul as a reaction to the kurdish project: “the Christian governorate”. can stipulate all it wants to, it means nothing. It meant nothing that Iraq was a sovereign nation completely innocent of the charges leveled at it by foreign Christians greedy for oil....these acts and crimes, as you call them, never occurred under Saddam or the Turks...they only came as a reaction to the crimes committed against Iraq by Christian nations...understandably Muslims do not trust their Christian neighbors and would rather they were gone, or completely Muslim ever had a problem with the name "Assyrian", since most of them recognize their own Assyrian ancestry...what they will resent to the death is your presumption in claiming that only YOU, as a Christian, can be an Assyrian...that is sheer nonsense and a lie too. It is for what you people say and DO that you have suffered, and that has been through PROsecution for breaking sedition and treason laws and NOT for persecution, for your religion, as you love to claim. In addition, it’s well-known to everyone that: - No “Islamic” offence has taken place to the kurds who converted to the Evangelist Church. - No aggression or terrorist act has taken place to anyone inside the kurdish occupation areas. - The terrorist acts against Assyrians discontinued after their politicians adopted the project of annexing their lands to the kurdish occupation. Though the article /50/ was issued by the governing council on September 29, 2003, which states that: “All acts, decisions, regulations, directives, instructions and orders that are issued by what is known as revolution leadership council and other Iraqi officials (During Baath Rule), and which are issued for the purpose of changing the political and the demographic reality in Iraq, shall be cancelled”, this was selectively enforced when the Governing Council kept the effects of Al-baath decisions on March 11, 1970 which states the separation of Assyrian Nohadra (kurdified to “Dohuk”) from Assyrian Nineveh, hence Assyrians are still divided administratively, politically and demographically under two conflicting authorities: kurdification and Arabization. are in no position to co/mplain....Muslims have suffered far more than you have. Moreover, the project of kurdifying the Assyrian homeland is “constitutional” according to the “democratic” Iraqi state legislations and its constitutional article /143/, which approved to name Assyria as “kurxxxtan” (land of kurds) without any Assyrian representation (despite the presence of a "representative"), in the Iraqi state institutions. In this status quo, Assyrians have hope neither in their parties nor in the Iraqi government being no less aggressive to them than Baath or the kurdish trends while their sole hope lies in the Assyrian Diaspora, especially those in the United States and Europe other words, you want MORE attacks and pressure and theft to be imposed on Iraq, while YOU sit comfortably and safely to the side.... which are actively ruling Iraq and where Assyrians exist powerfully and heavily, the thing that enables them to be heard by international tribunes, for the international ethical duty requires that Assyrians must be treated as the indigenous people of Iraq according to “Indigenous People Declaration” stated by United Nations General Assembly on September 13, 2007 which declares the right of self-determination of indigenous people (articles /3/ , /4/) to reserve its entity and culture which are considered an international trust. ...the best chance you had was through that Christians have brought war and death to Iraq you can forget about your "indigenous rights" to anything, based on your Christian can provr nothing to anyone about your assyrian "heritage" are simply Christians thinking to fabricate a political front for yourselves because you know you can demand nothing based on your religion, so you came up with this fantasy that you are descendants, and the only ones, of the ancient Assyrians...who do you think you're fooling besides your cousins? Hence, and according to the UN legislation mentioned above, Assyrians have the right to obtain (at least) a “safe zone” internationally protected just like the kurds since 1991, because Assyrians have no trust in the Iraqi state especially because it is a group of Islamists and kurds, and this will be the first step on the road to achieving “Assyria Region” like that of the kurds, and as long as the Iraqi constitution became mere ink on paper after contradicting the Iraqi state to article /7/ of its constitution, by establishing a racial region on a national basis under the name of “kurxx-xxtan” (land of kurds). ..the Qurds are Muslim too, you are not. Qurds FOUGHT for their independence for the last two centuries, you only COLLABORATED. African Americans had "no trust" in the American state for a few centuries and many still don;t...yet that doesn't entitle them to New Jersey, neither does it absolve them of Treason if they beg African nations to attack the United States and "save them", they had to play the part of super-patriots even though they were being lynched right and left...they had to EARN their place in American society, not by attacking it, but by working to win it over....and you, have a long way to go towards impressing anybody. Haaretz newspaper summed up the Assyrian tragedy in a couple of words in the issue of December 24, 2010 under the headline “Christmas requiem for Iraq's Christian community” by the newspaper political analyst and the historian and ME affairs specialist, Dr. Zvi Bar'el who wrote: “The Kurds object to establishment of a protected Christian enclave, because they want to annex the Nineveh Valley, most of whose residents are Christians”. ...they don;t have to annex anything...Muslims can move in legally and form a majority...which is what Zionists are afraid would happen in Israel, hence their illegal suppression of nail your coffin shut you WOULD cite Israel! And the “governorate” project will be the first step to that, constitutionally, since the “Iraqi” constitution permits annexing a governorate to a region, and this is a clear sign to that in case the issue is not redressed by Assyrians themselves before the others, then the Assyrian torture journey will go on by appropriating Assyrian lands and confiscating them by Arabs in the so-called “Nineveh Plain” and also by kurds inside their entity which has been imposed on Assyrians and on others since 1991. ...and they have every right to do so, as they are the majority and subjected to decades of illegal war brought against them by the same people YOU are citing and calling upon to "save" you ass, once more. It is thanks to this Christian jihad that today's Iraqis Christians are suffering and will suffer more...a state of war you are trying to blame on Iraqis no less! Before America came Iraqi Christians, with the chance to leave Iraq, never wanted to leave, so good were their lives....much to your discomfort....people like you, who "fled persecution" actually ran from PROsecution because you engaged in sedition, which is illegal in every country...just ask Native Americans....YOU like to call it "telling the truth"....which is what Native Americans said they were doing when they detailed the injustices committed against them,.,...that's fine, but when you start demanding land from the "illegitimate government oppressing your people", you cross over into sedition and in time of war, to treason...and that becomes a legal matter, no longer just you "telling the truth" Chaldean has ever made these claims because Chaldeans are happy and proud to be Iraqis! ...keep writing in English...stop using Arabic, the language of your OPPRESSOR, write in the language of your, not Aramaic.... ENGLISH! سجل طباعة صفحات: [1] للأعلى « قبل بعد » --------------------- |
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