mistakes...... |
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- Friday, October 30 2015, 17:37:24 (UTC) from *** - *** ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...this mantra of "mistakes were made", might as well have a corollary; "Mistakes are GOING to be made." Why not just admit it ahead of time?....by now we should know, beforehand, that our foreign policy is going to be riddled with mistakes...that's how it gets disguised as a lot of bumbling when in reality it's well thought out, if your goal is power and money. If your stated goal is "freedom and democracy" obviously huge "mistakes are made". If you are silly enough to believe the United States government and business class are good guys trying to bring freedom and democracy to less fortunate people (who own petroleum, or tin, or manganese or other precious commodities) then you will truly believe "mistakes were made"...because so far we haven't brought any of that to anyone...in fact, we're cutting back on freedom and democracy here at home. We've made some places "free", like South Korea and Vietnam...but in business "free" means the boss is free to get rich with as little loss of profit as possible....it doesn't mean the people get the goodies. Sure, they might have it relatively better than they had it before (after you pounded them with bombs for a few years)...but you can be sure that at the point they realize they can have more freedom and higher wages, they'll see their position erode. But, if you don't buy the "mistakes were made", then you see the actual policy at work...and the policy is one of American supremacy at the point of a gun or a financial institution. The only reason actual wars are being fought, and all of them safe wars against poorer people, is because that too is a matter of finance, of loans and interest earned and unending markets with huge profits... If the policy was to free Iraq from a "tyrant" and bring freedom and liberty to Iraqis, then yes, mistakes were definitely made. But if that was never the intention and instead the goal was to weaken civil rights, something neo-cons have been trying to achieve for decades, and if the goal was to replace communism with a new and even greater threat which would serve to unite the American people behind policies which would only create more enemies while "uniting" us in fear and trembling...and make the usual suspects even wealthier, then invading Iraq was a huge success. It's a little hard to believe American foreign policy is run by a bunch of mistake-riddled incompetents...which is just how they portray themselves after their supposed failures and mistakes...except, the same people come at us AGAIN with the same policies and we go right on buying into them all over again...how can that be? Would you take your car back to the mechanic who admitted "mistakes were made" when he filled your engine with shampoo instead of motor oil? If he said "mistakes were made" but he has the same guy who used shampoo instead of oil standing by to fix your engine....again? We're only making more enemies...you can't defeat a civilian population unless you kill them all. Not even the Nazis could totally defeat France, or Poland...an underground formed in each "conquered" nation and fought back as best it could...and would have kept it up until every last one of them had been killed...except along the way to ridding oneself of a grass-roots rebellion you have to kill so many innocent people that you inflame and encourage the rest to fight back because you make their lives so miserable they feel they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. And we already know these wars against civilians make for more enemies and more and more. If Bush's reason for attacking Iraq was the threat once posed to his father, then we already know that threats of violence, as violence itself, can inflame a son, who then mounts a massive war because he was pissed at the way his father was treated by another country...if we can comprehend that, why can't we see that the killing of thousands of Muslim fathers can inflame thousands of Muslim sons to retaliate? The evidence is right there before our eyes, in case we needed proof...that sons will go to great lengths to avenge fathers....as we did when we attacked Iraq because we were so bent on revenge we didn't even care that no Iraqis were involved in 9/11. It didn't matter, we didn't care about details, or even ascribing guilt to the actual country where the 19, or most of them, came from...we were so filled with rage and a desire for revenge that we attacked any Muslim nation we felt like (that had oil)....we didn't care to be EXACT...so why should Muslims care if they kill innocent children...did we care? I was always amazed by Wild West films in which one guy beats another guy to a pulp, and that's all you hear about it. I guess the one who was beaten never thought to retaliate...he just took his beating and went home, home on the range the next day...he never once thought of cracking the other guy over the head that night, or shooting him in the back...or burning his house down...nothing. The Hero was SO wonderful that bad guys, who ordinarily would slap women around and shit on babies, would take a beating from him quietly and meekly and just disappear. I think Americans sort of believe that, or never think of it, as they never questioned all those films with that scenario. I was attacked once in Mexico by an American, we were both on horses no less, who ran my horse and me down at full speed and proceeded to whip me with his reins and try to trample me with his horse...at the time all I could think was, "I'm going to survive this and then I'm coming for you." It never once crossed my mind that I was going to carry on as if nothing had happened, or that somehow I had asked for it and had better take my punishment quietly because I deserved to be punished. It seems my response was normal and natural...what WASN'T normal or natural was for the guy who attacked me to think he would suffer no consequences...I think in actual fact you have to kill someone once you attack them like that because they'll seek revenge...payback....it's the natural thing to do. The fellow who attacked me presented himself as a cowboy of the Old West...clothes, talk, swagger all of it. After the attack all I could think was that he had got his sense of what a cowboy is from watching those same dumb movies....he must have believed that after charging my horse, with me just sitting on it, and knocking us both to the ground he could then trample me and whip me and I would do what the guys in the movies did...I would forget about it and "learn my lesson". The only thing I learned was how best to kill him while making it look like an accident...so when my truck came down to the field to "rescue" me...I got behind the wheel and chased the cowboy and his horse across the desert till I ran them both over...unfortunately only the horse was killed, the guy got a concussion and a broken collar bone....and was later sent back to the US to serve out his prison term. I would never attack anyone the way he did....I wouldn't make a half-hearted attempt to kill someone, or maul him so badly that he would swear revenge. I wouldn't attack anyone...unless I was attacked. Which was exactly the position of the Muslims now fighting against America and our proxy, ISIS. They never picked a fight with us....we picked one with them, based on lies, and based on those lies we mauled them and whipped them and killed their children...did we really expect Iraqis and other Muslims to take this calmly...to react as if they'd deserved such treatment, or were in a cowboy movie? Of course not. We knew damn well they'd be aroused to revenge, and they had a legitimate cause while we admitted that we had manufactured one..that we had lied in order to justify our killing of children and despoiling an entire generation...we did not have Right on our side, but the Iraqis did. To think otherwise would mean that Reagan's favorite movie, "Red Dawn" , about Soviet paratroops occupying the US with the result that blow-dried teenagers become guerilla fighters was ridiculous, that no one behaves like that when his country and family is attacked. So, despite what our cowboy movies show us, we KNEW Muslims would fight back...in fact that was the whole point...we needed to CREATE enemies where there were none...and we succeeded beyond our hopes....there were no "mistakes made"...there was success. Just check the bank accounts at Boeing and Lockheed and the thousands of merchants of death who profit from our enemies. Like the Church needs the Devil...our State needs mullahs, and commies and Terrorists and "agitators" and even whistle-blowers-as-criminals... any devil we can conjure up or manufacture, because that way lies greater profits. --------------------- |
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