The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> qualifications for being "Assyrian"

qualifications for being "Assyrian"
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Tuesday, January 12 2010, 6:16:46 (CET)
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one can make claims to anything but to be truly accepted as an "Assyrian" one has to meet certain requirements. A, one must be a christian and preferably from the coe but christian is a must. B, hating muslims is a duty and obligation. it is not allowed to be friiends, show respect etc. C, one must believe that we been killed by muslims for our religion and "Assyrian" identity. D, believe we are owed something and anything contrary is wrong avoid what others say. An education, research, books etc are not important and should not be read unless they are written by our own "historians". there are more requirements but the above are most important and especially the first two.


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