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Some Statistics For Alnasser

Posted by parhad on September 28, 2001 at 14:24:20:

A nation without statistics hardly or impossible could manage her affairs. Statistics shall lead us to the right direction, will show us how much strong or weak we are.

We as a nation have no such statistics, Socially. without statistics our ignorance shall lead us to (by talk,only talks)to fight and defeat our enemies!!!!

Think about it.

albert nasser

>>>I can never figure out if this guy speaks in Tongues, or uses some sort of secret code.

Hey's a statistic for your Center of Information: Sixty Thousand Assyrians in Chicago couldn't overcome the opposition of one man to install a $200,000.00 monument the city itself wanted very much to add to its magnificent collection. Here's another...out of thousands of Assyrians in Los Angeles, five showed up for a debate defending their heritage from the slanders and abuse heaped upon it by an ignorant and self-proclaimed amateur on the subject.

You can add the fact that, statistically speaking, Assyrians have supported the nations of America and Israel as they have unleashed weapons of mass destruction as well as starvation and disease against our own Holy Land...NO, NOT Jerusalem, but Nineveh and Ashur in what is called Iraq today.

Don't mention it.

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