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Posted by Jeff from ( on Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 4:30PM :

In Reply to: English Lessons posted by Jeff from ( on Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 4:19PM :

1995: Iraqis voted to keep Saddam Hussein in Power
1998: Saddam ordered Chemical weapons to be used against Iraq Kurds.

These supposed "facts" are along the bottom of the screen. I'm turning the TV off.......... NOW.

1. Sure, they "voted" to keep him in Power. Any dim-witted individual can see right through that propaganda. A Chaldean at my high school years ago was in my American government class and we spoke about Dictatorships. The teacher asked if anyone lived in a country which had a dictatorship. She explained how she lived in Iraq... had to go to school and read the Q'aran. He asked her if they forced her to, if she didn't like it, etc... she said that it wasn't bad at all. It was just like "studying another religion"... you don't HAVE to believe it to study it. Then, he asked her about freedoms... could they vote...etc. She said "Sure, you can vote, but there's someone looking over your shoulder and if you vote the wrong way they will kill you."

So, good one fox news... they voted to keep him in power.

And the Chemical attacks on the Kurds... notice how Fox News doesn't mention that the US and Iraq were VERY close in 1988... and that the relations were NOT strained at all, in fact the US looked the other way when that happened and completely ignored it. Yes, he gassed the kurds with Chemical weapons but back then the US was buddies with Saddam... so it was ok.

Now, don't misinterpret what I am saying. I do not like the man, nor do I think that Iraq is perfect... just look through the propaganda people. I'm sure Peter Bassoon and the others are going to "protest" about the Bethlehem church somehow... Gassman's upset at the Israeli barbarity....

Where have all the cowboys gone?

Normally my policy is to only watch TV when the Simpson's are on. I decided to watch the news today, after weeks of not watching the news for this very reason. Did I actually expect it to get better?? How foolish and naive of me. Enough of this.

-- Jeff
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