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Posted by Julia from ( on Saturday, February 23, 2002 at 10:00AM :

When you refer to 'the children,' you make two references: you refer to 'the children' dying now as a result of the sanctions, and you refer to 'the children' of the future, the following generations to succeed us. You say you against what the U.S. is doing for 'the children' of the present day, but you are channeling your work, as you said, to 'the children' of the future, because as you said 'the children' of the present day are going to die anyway. Therefore that renders everything you say about the people who are doing nothing for 'the children' and watching them die includes you, because you too are doing nothing for them. You have since confused yourself with fighting for 'the children' of today when you have done nothing for them and you watch them die too; you are fighting for an abstract, immaterial cause without hands, mouths or faces.

I stress this argument because the bulk of your arguments about anything lie with the proverbial children; but little did we know the proverbial children is a concoction of your head, and has nothing to do with the real live ones that are dying as you say under the hands of (fill in the blank, depending on your mood).

-- Julia
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