Posted by John Brandy from ? ( on Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 7:28PM :
Dear Ms Antar,
I happened to be browsing and noticed your message about how moved you are by the suffering of children. As president of Desktop Angst, I am pleased to inform you that our company has an array of photographs and letters and articles about just such unfortunate and deplorable conditions as move you so much.
We cover all of the majotr conflicts and deplorable situations anywhere in the world. I am not sure what group appeals to you most but may I suggest our Africa and Asia lines? These feature starving children from the various scenes of deplorable conflict in those miserable areas. I want you to know that our line is done in the strictest of good taste. There will be nothing there to upset you beyond your limits. We have them magnetized too for placing on refrigerators, also a nice collection of gear shift knobs with sculpted heads of tortured children and plastic frail bodies for placing on your dashboard etc. We are here to provide any memorabilia you may need to feel "completely connected" to any misery anywhere you choose.
I could send you a catalogue at no charge, with your first Desktop Angst purchase. With that first purchase you will be entitiled to receive our free newsletter, "Where Else In The World", giving you the fast track on upcoming deplorable situations, plus discounts for early orders. We ship anywhere and guarantee delivery for Christmas, Hkahnuka, Kwansaa, and Ramadan. Look forward to satisfying all your angst needs.
John Brandy, president
Desktop Angst Inc.
Weehauken, New Jersey
-- John Brandy
-- signature .