Posted by Sadie from D006102.N1.Vanderbilt.Edu ( on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 9:43PM :
Heard about this the other day... a friend of mine went to an IDEA (Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness) club meeting on campus here, just to see if it really was a creationist club. It was. She asked the club officials if they thought that the theory of space aliens starting life on earth would be acceptable to them as a way in which "intelligent design" could be defined - it wasn't. All the other sorts of "intelligent design" were also unacceptable - only creationism. The idea (pun intended) is to encourage kids to bring another conservative Christian concept back into a secular education program... Pretty soon they'll be teaching (or should that be "preaching") the 10 Commandments as law... including & especially the 1st Commandment.
-- Sadie
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