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Posted by pancho from ( on Sunday, February 09, 2003 at 6:26PM :

...when you get another type of Assyrian involved in these debates and forum thingies? Over at aina and beth you have any number of (five mostly) heroes and worriers pomposticating and pentulficating...threatening people left and right...why even Peter the Rabid has warmed several Muslim countries to "watch out"...or else he´ll show them a thing or two...go whine to Dubya etc.

And for all of their bluster they all delete and ban wildly...hide where you can´t get at them...and wont come out to engage in a fair fight...with WORDS fer chrissakes. How brave do you suppose they feel right now? How "Assyrian"? THESE are the descendants of Ashurbanipal??? They aren´t even worthy of Saddam.

You think they´d have gone out to do battle during those last days of Nineveh? Hell no. They´d be doing just what they´re doing today...hiding.

All we have to do, ALL we have to do is present an alternative vision AND reality of what being Assyrian can mean...and then LET the rest flock to aina and´s the best thing they can do for the rest of us.

Imagine a talk show inviting one of us and one of them to discuss these issues on national TV.

Which one of them would be most likely to almost show up?

-- pancho
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