I heard a story about Dean on NPR

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Posted by Jeff from d14-69-187-7.try.wideopenwest.com ( on Monday, July 28, 2003 at 6:28PM :

Apparently the Democratic candidate "Dean" raised $300,000 from his web site in 4 days, mostly in small donations, and they contrasted it when big Prick Dick Cheney who recently held a $2000 a plate fundraiser and raised $300,000 in one night.

Also, the Dean campaign is organizing local grassroots efforts across the country via the internet... it sounds like this guy is the only one who may actually have a chance at beating Shrubya.

I fully realize, however that when Shrubya declares "the war on terror, part deux", "the war on fear", "the war on bullshit", and, finally, "the war on freedom", we won't be able to vote so it won't matter -- as if it mattered in the last election?


-- Jeff
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