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Posted by J. from ( on Tuesday, September 23, 2003 at 1:59AM :

In Reply to: When J. Atto speaks you listen !!! posted by The Assyrian Volcano from ( on Tuesday, September 23, 2003 at 1:27AM :

Extremism will get you nowhere. What do you suppose the solution to our situation is? Wholesale murder of non-Assyrians? Forced deportations?

It's funny, I'm taking a class on World War I and I have the luxury of reading a few dim-witts that you probably look up to.

Houston Stewart Chamberlain, a Brit, tries to tell us that the Teutons have superior blood and must not mix with inferiors... imagine that...a Nazi before World War I, and he was born in England? So this guy was a racist through and through, but even HE didn't suggest what you are suggesting... he didn't advocate murder and destruction.

Cecil Rhodes, another Brit, wrote about the superior Anglo-Saxon race and how a secret society should be formed whose DUTY it is to take over as much land as possible, especially in Africa... he took one step ahead of Chamberlain because not only was he a racist, but he used that racism to justify taking over other people's lands. This is more your style.

Can you imagine the hell on earth we would be experiencing if you had your way? People would be murdered left and right... expelled from their homes and left to die. I don't know what country you live in, but if you live in America, I pose you this question: How would you like it if a group of Native Americans who have a treaty that states that they rightfully own the land that your house is on decide they want it back? Not only do they want it back, but instead of suing you and getting back their land, which your house is on, through the courts, they decide instead to kill you and your family and just take your house...or better yet, to torture you and simply kick you out?

Please, ASHUR, tell me what your solution is to our collective problem. What are you advocating? Be specific.

-- J.
-- signature .

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