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Posted by panch from ? ( on Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 12:38PM :

Soon enough someone will take over my case for me. I just didn't like the idea of being forced to keep quiet because it was in my "best interest". In is in no one's best interests to keep quiet so he can profit a bit. I had things to still say and I was going to say them. This gets boring after a while and I've got better things to do and talk about.

It took a while to find the right person...a person who values the arts, and an artist's right to expect to be left alone to do his or her own work when he or she is bothering no one. If I needed or wanted "that" sort of thing,there are lots of models around for the asking.

Let the person take over as soon as he finds the time...there is no rush, we aren't going anywhere.

If I had the time to learn all the procedures and rules myself...I'd stomp them into the ground. Not my area of expertise...I make Assyrian sculpture...and I get rid of people who would destroy what they can't take over for their own narrow use...or try to ruin when they can't slime.

Let someone whose job it is play this game out...but not before we have no choice but to go to trial...cause that's where the real victory will be...and not money either.

-- panch
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