On Donations To Lawyers

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Posted by panch from ? ( on Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 1:12PM :

No one can't say that Jackie Bejan isn't a qualified woman...a tireless worker...more of a MAN than many men we have. Neither can anyone doubt her generosity to and interest in bettering the lives of people she knows of or comes in contact with.

I know for a fact that she gave Father Benny a lot of her own money to help him in his work in Georgia. She also gave money to the AAS to build child care centers in Iraq. And of course she gave me money and groceries too.

Many of you are probably unaware of another charity she has helped out...the Layers of America(WHAT a typo!),,,I meant Lawyers...who must labor mightily to get by on $400.00 an hour plus expenses and all the soap it takes to wash a conscience almost clean.

Indeed this group has been the single largest benefiaciary of her large largass (oops). To the eventual sweet tune of $100,000...and more, she will have made it possible for any number of them to care for themselves...put children through shcool...pay for tennis lessons at "the club"...where Assyrians might get work washing dishes...to basically live the good life.

With continued support for "new" Murderous Sanctions there probably wont be that many kids in Iraq left alive...so you can't say she could have built more facilities there for them with that money.

I'm sure she will donate whatever they win from Jeff to charity too. Now THAT's Leadership!

-- panch
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