Ghassan bans more good people

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Posted by Jeff from ( on Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 10:28PM :

Censoring at Random

[ Chaldeans Discussion Forum ]

Written by Qasrani on 06 Jun 2002 04:41:07:

Dear Webmaster,

I posted various responses over the course of today, including one that asked the question of what were we before we became a Catholic uniate. Obviously, we were already Christian of some sort. Why did you feel the need to remove my posts? I wasn't offensive or derogatory.

Are you trying to censor those Chaldeans that don't share your opinion? God bless the Assyrian forums, in that case! I thought they were bad, but at least I can express myself there and have engaging discussions without having my messages deleted.

I promise I won't contribute to this forum, again. And please have the decency to leave this message posted so that the regulars can read it. If not out of respect for me as a Chaldean, than just as a human being with a differing perspective who took the time to write.

I found your actions absolutely offensive. There's a thin line between censorship and maintaining the pace of discussions in a group. I think you have grossly overstepped your role. But perhaps you just want to run your corner of cyberspace as a mini-oligarchy. Too bad it will cost you tons of fruitful and engaging discussions. But perhaps you lived under Saddam Hussein's rule too long to know the difference.

In any case, I have posted my email address so that you may reply to me in private, because you don't seem like the type that could withstand a public discussion of such things.

I wish all the remaining Chaldeans on this forum all the luck. They'll need it. I only wish there were more open Chaldean discussion forums. If anyone out there knows of any, please email me there urls.


-- Jeff
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