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Posted by Jeff from ( on Sunday, June 09, 2002 at 4:16PM :

I didn't write this, but wanted to share it with yall:

I believe that there's such a thing as a quarter life crisis which I define as a syndrome where one is blind to what their future holds, so inisists on living day by day, allowing wonderful experiences, while at the same time providing a nice little protective egg from the cold world outside of the life of a 20 year old. Furthermore, while trying to break away from parents, one still desires an intimacy with the recourses they provide, of those resources one secretly yurns for the womb again, while outwardly desiring independance and mobility. Another sign is a desire for closeness amongst siblings who one can live vicraiously through whether older (being independant & having resources of their own) or younger (having nothing but time & room for error). With age I am sure one can defeat the quarter life crisis, it is merely a stage.

-- Jeff
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