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Posted by Lilly from ? ( on Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 8:03PM :

In Reply to: Re: nice projections there posted by pancho from pool0707.cvx34-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net ( on Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 7:45PM :

I sent you those pictures, for the LAST time, because they were funny - there's NOTHING sexual about them at ALL. I'm fully clothed in them, & I have a shaved head in most of them - the other pictures were of when I had long hair. YOU were the one writing on the forum that you had pictures from me, & then insinuating that they were raunchy - Jeff, Stella, & David have seen those pictures - I don't believe that they think those pictures are raunchy in any way.

I ONLY sent you those pictures because you appeared to have a good sense of humor, at the time. I didn't think you'd be so perverse & twisted about them, when there's nothing suggestive about them at all.

I only asked you to call me because you were starting to play those insinuating, mind games on me on this forum & in emails to me - flirting & making raunchy jokes, & I wanted to tell you to stop doing that & to ask you about the Assyrian community you were writing about on the boards. How many times do I have to repeat myself?

I will admit that I joked back, but it was sarcastic.

You are the dishonest one. I've never lied about anyone on this forum, but YOU, on the other hand, have made remarks & accusations about other people that are not true.

-- Lilly
-- signature .

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