Steven Speilberg

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Posted by panch from ( on Sunday, June 16, 2002 at 9:09PM :

Just saw an interview with him for the Actor's Studio program. They mentioned Schindler's List, his film about the Holocaust. I was struck by his comment that the film bore a the six million Jews MURDERED, not martyred.

It's interesting that the one legitimate holocaust and genocide in history leaves a Jew unwilling to call six million of his own people deliberately singled out and killed , "martyrs". It isn't that he doesn't respect their place in history...his whole career shows you what can be done by people who remained focused even for 4000 years...but that he knows they weren't martyrs at all. He would be the last person to want to "insult" their memory, there being members of his own family among them.

I think he just knows what the word means...knows that no Nazi wanted to convert a Jew...that no Nazi said "stop believing in Yahweh and believe in Christ instead". No...they just killed them, and shaved them, and took their toys away, and their teeth and hair and skinned them and shot, gassed and burned and raped any Christian would. They were murdered, plain and simple, though no one would have dared argue with him if he'd called them martyrs. He knows the truth and knows nothing is gained for younger Jews by institutionalizing victimhood the way we have...the way Christianity has taught us to.

Speilberg would be banned from these forums as well...if any Jew would ever have this kind of a forum.

-- panch
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