"Ross" reports about abuses in Iraq

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Posted by panch from ? ( on Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 7:29PM :

It's them Christians again...

The priest's name is Filip Hilyi (not Hilabi). There are two stories surrounding the 'death' of Father Hilayi. The official one is that it was an accidental fire at his premises. The cause of death was suffocation.

The other report states that his murder was caused by suffocation brought on with electircal wire around his neck. The fire was likely started after the crime.

This took place days after he spoke about the horrible conditions our people are going through in Iraq.

Of course, the Iraqi regime is going with the first explanation so not further investigation is necessary.

If more information becomes available, I will let you know.

++++At least he spoke out. What keeps nominal Assyrians such as yourselves from speaking out in the land of the free and the home of the brave...and the place where you change your name to an Anglo/Saxon one, in a Christian country and even though no one is chasing you anywhere?

++++You mean to tell me that once again, one Christian killed, outweighs 600,000 Iraqi children killed...many of whom MUST be Assyrian...also Christian???

+++Why all this "priest and arrested Assyrians in Iraq" business...why only that? If these guys are concerned with justice and rights, on principle, why aren't they protesting a goddamn other thing that is being done to that country?

+++I bet if that same priest was killed by an American bomb, no one would have said a word. The only Assyrian that matters to these guys, is a Christian one...and even then only if he is killed and ONLY if his or her killer is a Muslim.

+++WE tell "our enemies" just how worthless we think Assyrians are...WE are over here helping to have them killed in Iraq...why should the Muslims care more for our people than we do?

-- panch
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