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Posted by panch from pool0938.cvx24-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net ( on Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 11:07PM :

++++Zinda magazine has joined the "we are being betrayed and attacked by enemies" bandwagon. Like we can't imagine that Assyrians do these dumb things all on their own.

+++Does that mean that Jackie Bejan and Nimrod and Atour Golani are secret agents and traitors for blocking my efforts...for shoving those sculptures in a basement rather than place them in a University? Or am I the "agent" because I want to install Assyrian monuments? Which is it? Is it both?

+++++It was the Church that started all this dividing business, not Kurds or Iraqis. It's every Assyrian and his cousin and their dog that goes off to start yet another International Organization. We've done this crud to ourselves...but are understandably ashamed to admit it...and eager to blame it on someone else.

++++That's why anyone who critisizes us, especially one of us...gets called a traitor or an agent of some foul nefarious group. It is our fondest wish and belief that evrything bad that ever happened to us was done to us by someone else...a Muslim of course...and equally that someone else, the Brits or any Christian entity, would be the ones to save us.

++++We can't seem to be able to do much by ourselves, for ourselves, to ourselves. We're just victims...ping pong balls in some insane game somewhere...

"Racists among certain Kurdish political groups are the new Saddam Husseins of North Iraq, intent on dividing the Assyrians with methods not unlike those of the Baath. Foremost among their tactics is financing divisionists among Assyrians and making the Assyrians known as a group of separate religious denominations rather than a distinct, specific ethnicity."

+++If it's true that we are one specific and strong and proud nation...how come some two bit "traitors" who can't speak or read or write in any civilized language, have been so effective?

+++Assyrians don't NEED any enemies...they do well enough on their own.

-- panch
-- signature .

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