Less is Less...More Isn't Enough

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Posted by panch from pool0071.cvx25-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net ( on Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 11:49PM :

I'm going to be bumped from the new and improved aina. I goofed and accidentally posted something that had some no no words in it...forgot they were there...but that wouldn't be the only reason.

I post too much...write too much...seem to have idle time too much. The impression we're supposed to get is that other people are kept from writing because too many of my posts are there...that others would love to write but are forced to work and be with their families...and I am retired with no reponsibilities...or that I must be an agent or something and paid to sit around and write what I do. Or that they are so disgusted they turn away from Assyria etc.

I don't doubt for a minute that none of it is true...that it's the subject matter, the point of view I have, the possibility that others may be swayed or feel more comfortable expressing similar ideas. That I may make it possible for the "wrong" kind of people to speak up and on and on...like any Byzantine plot.

-- panch
-- signature .

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