Posted by panch from ( on Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 7:35AM :
In Reply to: Re: War against terrrrorism ? posted by Sam.D. from ( on Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 6:01AM :
: What for?
+++Actually it's an Assyrian/ Armenian/ American. Jackie Bejan has included Jeff in her suit against me for slander defecation of character, libel etc. Her Lawyer gets paid by the idea and they came up with the idea that Jeff is secretly the force behind this site and makes it possible for me to do what I've done in terms of telling people what I've experienced at the hands of this leader of ours.
Let's say I did terrible things to her reputation...such as tell the truth...if he helped me do it or did some of it too, then he is supposedly liable also. It's sort of like suing the people who made the ink with which you wrote a slanderous article, as an accomplice.
But the real point is to teach people a lesson...she has money and therefore "power" and can punish. She hasn't a snow balls chance...but the point was to intimidate.
They'll love you and work for you and cry over you as long as you serve a purpose...otherwise, watch it! First hearing is this September...Jeff will be dropped from the case then...and I've asked for a jury trial...I'm counter suing her, the AANF, Golani, Nimrod, Odishoo etc. It had to happen sometime...sometime we had to go public...even in this dismal way. We've done these sorts of things with impunity for so long, trampled on each other's rights, broken laws etc till we think we live in a Turkey of the mind.
-- panch
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