The AUA Dreamed Up Martyrs Day!!!???

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Posted by panch from ( on Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 7:40PM :

I might have known. The most cynnical piece of rubbish, when properly packaged and sold, can be put to use, can turn a profit. I'm surprised Homer hasn't come up with our own national, "I Took A Shit Day".

I can see them now...shitting around their basement thinking of ways to thrust themselves out in front as the leading bunch of hypocrites among a field crowded with contestants...good ones too.

"What haven't we tried yet guys"?...We've had the "Raped Virgins Soccer Tournament"....and the "Destitute Mother's Glee Club". Last year we came up with "The Blind Bastards of Nineveh Egg Hunt"...come on THINK...we're slipping in the polls. Out of ten people polled, we were only barely chosen as tied for first place among a field of 12,456 "National Question" organizations. We can do better!"

It was then that the idea was born to...well read it for yourself...assuming anyone is out there...

To all:

To be clear enough that in the early 1969 when occured to me as an Assyriac Editor of Mhadiana Magazine, the leterary Organ of the Assyrian National Effort affiliate to the Assyrian Universal Alliance to commemorate our national sacrifices to creat a day that we could remember our fallen heroes.

+++What an organ that must have been...any organ that has to do the job for the Assyrian NATIONAL effort would have to be one big prick...and, when affiliated with the AUA ,means we just all got fucked over some more.

I suggested and presented a motion which was passed unanimously in order to creat the Assyrian Martyr day. The A.U.A. in its congress of 1970 such day was assigned as the 7th of August.

++++Who the hell asked YOU?

As author of such day, never occured to my mind that such day is for the Simile incident only, but it was meant to all those of our brave Assyrians who were victems of freedom and dignity in Plains of Ninevehh , Tur Abdin, Tourane D'Athur -Hakare , and Urmea.

++++I know you mean well...but how are you a victim of freedom...of dignity? These people were shot and stabbed...not a heroic thing to it...just sad and tragic and soon to be repeated...if these nuts have their way.

Read the complete text which was printed in the Mhadiana Magazine, issue of March 1969 which is reprinted in the Summer issue of the Assyrian Star, 2002

Ashur Beth-Shlimon

-- panch
-- signature .

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