Hi Shawn

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Posted by Jeff from bgp01107368bgs.wbrmfd01.mi.comcast.net ( on Monday, July 08, 2002 at 10:16AM :

In Reply to: Wait a minute! posted by Lilly from ? ( on Monday, July 08, 2002 at 10:03AM :

I added 3 bulbs of Garlic... bulbs, or whatever you call them... the juice from 2 full lemons... 3 tablespoons of "Denha" Tahin (the best kind... available in Detroit Chaldean markets)... what else... 1/3 cup of water at first, but later I added a few more spoons of water... 1/2 a teaspoon of salt...

All in all it was great for being my first try. It was a bit strong...maybe too garlic-y, but it's still delicious.

My aunt suggested that instead of using water, I should just take some of the 'chic pea' water that's in the can (if you buy canned), and use that instead of plain water. I might try that next time.

Thanks for the recipe. It was great... and yes, I did put a lot of extra virgin olive oil on top.

-- Jeff
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