Re: this just in from Scotland

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Posted by panch from ( on Monday, July 08, 2002 at 11:02AM :

In Reply to: this just in from Scotland posted by Lilly from ? ( on Monday, July 08, 2002 at 10:44AM :

Our Assrin patrots who hope to get a country on the backs of dead children...are showing us how right we are when we question their motives...which is why they post all of these "agent" things...and ask us if we are Turks or spys or Baatheys.

They seek to discredit anyone who asks a question or makes these kinds of revelations. They use Assyrians and anyone else they need to, in cahoots with the persuade us all that Muslim crimes of two hundred years ago are the only ones worth mentioning...they don't even see an Assyrian child in the south...or see any among the 600,000 dead Iraqi children.

While outsiders protest these crimes against Humanity...these turkeys urge more of this stuff on...the Iraqis wouldn't allow a Bishop to build an office...this is news? This is a tragedy...this is significant? The final irony is that neither Peter the Rabid nor "Ross" give a shit for any church...they just want to convince America that Muslims are indeed the scourge of the matter what damage ensues for all our people back there.

-- panch
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