The Most Intruiging Question

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Posted by panch from ( on Monday, July 22, 2002 at 9:08AM :

Durant says this about the greatest paradox in history...why the Roman Empire turned Christian. I know the stock answer...because it was a miracle...because the Emperor realized one he was slitting the throat of a wife while sodomizing a slave...that Christ was the Way...the way to what?

There has never been a more ruthless or brutal or widely successful empire as theirs....a place so oppossite in every way to the basic teachings of Christianity...which remained just as brutal and murderous and rapacious after it turned Christian as it was before. What got into them?

Durant says that the era ending just as Christ is set to be born...was one in which all things had conspired to prepare the way for Jesus. In what way? Something about it makes sense because no man or woman can have any sort of an impact unless the times are right,

So many things to ponder...god to have a mind like a steel have a head like Aprim's or Peter's or the Christian formerly known as Firas...oh to not need any have no doubts...oh to know three things and that for the rest of your life...three pretty little, simple little things you received on faith when you were two, and never needed to bother with again....ah peace and bliss to know nothing, think nothing, ask nothing, question nothing.

How happy the man or woman who manages tro live without the mind of a man or woman. be a well beloved meatball bobbing in the Stew of Life!!!

-- panch
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