Is this one the sound barrier breaker ?

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Posted by andreas from ( on Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 11:21AM :

Maybe this one?
Is this one the sound barrier breaker ?

From ADO (Assyrian "Democratic" Organisation)

(Translation done by an Assyrian using translation software + a limited brush up thereafter)

What do you think?



To the president of the United States of America

Mr Georges W. Bush

Embassy of the United States of America
New-urban Kirchstr. 4 10117 Berlin

Dear Mr president,

It has pleased us very much that you have pointed on the 7th of October in a television address our people the Assyrians in Iraq. Up to now it was hidden mostly that in both Gulf Wars also thousands of Assyrians were murdered and several hundred thousand had to flee to Europe and the USA.
The Assyrians are the third-strongest ethnic group in Iraq after the Arabs and Kurds. As Christians we have pointed out for over 30 years to the growing Islamic fundamentalism in the whole region. We are very glad that at last the western world takes seriously these dangerous movements and the measures support fully and completely to the fight of the international terrorism.

We Christian Assyrians are since centuries victims of the cruel methods and ideology of the dictatorial regime and fanatic Muslims in the Near and Middle East. It is our request that in the Iraqi constitution(condition) the Assyrians are recognized officially as people and their political, cultural and administrative rights(laws) are anchored.

Assyrian Democratic Organization
Section of Europe
Issa Hanna
Augsburg, 15th of October, 2002

-- andreas
-- signature .

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