ARGONAUT Warren Hinckle, Editor Volume 141 NO. 4218, April, 1996
This proposed garden, its cultural programs, symbolic plantings, digital
capabilities and its maintenance, can be designed, developed,. And maintained
in collaboration with city wide community research mentoring teams, comprised
of students parents, educators, business people, and other interested individuals
or groups.
These Teams, will play an integral role in the garden's design development, content, creation, digital links, and maintenance.
For example, every sixth grader in San Francisco's studies ancient Mesopotamia
and this garden could become a model site for exciting and relevant project
based learning. Using state- of- the- art digital technologies, the garden can be linked
to the Main Library and its branches, the Asian Art Museum, the public school
system, the Oriental Art Institute of Chicago, and institutions in the Middle
The various aspects of Assyrian Culture and ecology represented in this garden include:
• A Digital Entry Garden integrating a Ziggurat, a typical Assyrian
architectural form, a wheel, which was first invented by the Assyrians, and
changing multimedia digital design displays which can become an interactive
"frieze" developed by the Community Research Mentoring Teams.
• Two water areas representing the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
• Herringbone pavers between the two "rivers"(a typical Assyrian pattern)
• The existing statue of Ashurbanipal, king of Assryia, who developed the first library.
• A suggested plant list includes pomegranate and date palms signifying the
"tree of life", reeds which were first used as a stylus in the wet clay for
the first written language called cuneiform, Lotus signifying "eternal life".
Also typical planting from Mesopotamia were grapes, barley, onions, garlic,
poppies, daises, anemone, fig, and quince.
• The existing sycamores (which can be retained throughout the total open
space as part of this plan) signify "genius" because the ancient Greek Philosophers
used to sit under them and philosophize.
The elements for this garden concept were developed with Narsai David, Dr.
Lincoln Malik, Fred Parhad, and Bill Lazar. Special thanks to Ruth Kadish,
Jim Chappell, and Noah Griffin.

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