The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> About Time

About Time
Posted by farid (Guest) - Thursday, October 23 2003, 2:16:38 (EDT)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

In an article from the Seattle Post Intelligencer entitoled, "Playing Into The Radical's Hands" the author, Bonnie Erbe, discusses this egregious ass of a general Boykin who has the god that's "bigger than your's" and other deep type stuff...I lift this quote:

In "The Crusades Through Arab Eyes" historians Amin Maalouf and Jon Rothschild recount this formative event in Christian and Arab history. They (and other historians before them) recount the Crusades as a religious war launched by European evangelicals supposedly motivated by religious fervor to 'reclaim' the holy land from 'infidels'. Instead they led one of the most barbarous, ferocious and inhumane campaigns known to humankind. They put 'whole populations to the sword' and engaged in cannibalism. How Christian was that"?

Odd...isn't it, that's just what they're doing now. That last part is interesting since Christians have been practising ritual though symbollic cannibalism for 2000 years...sometimes you want to taste the real thing.

The misconceptions about Jews and Islam Christians are taught are staggering...and ultimately quite useful...ask Halliburton.


The full topic:

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