Assyrian Aid and Abet Society |
Posted by
- Saturday, October 25 2003, 22:22:24 (EDT) from - - Windows 2000 - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
It looks like Narsai isn't going to respond to several requests I sent him offering to lift my Sanctions against his Christian Front organization if the proceeds from the auction of my sculptures would be used exclusively for Majdolin. Figures. He can't afford to upset his real client base...the people that really matter...Like Wilfred couldn't afford to offend white people in Washington he thinks read his mag...or Jackie can only "cry" for Assyria in ways that don't upset HER customers. The tragedies of today were set in motion ages early as the Levies and every plea we made for more tolerance for Christians in the MidEast...adding the name "Assyrian" to them like we were fooling anybody...only increased resentment and tension and gave an openning to outside Western Christian nations. And so it is today...this business about thinking Iraqis don't notice where the Aid and Abet society is headquartered and how much of a gap there is between the billions spent to kill them and the chump change Narsai gathers to patch up the ones they don't kill...and build schools for them and provide roofs for their hovels and water and a bit of medicine and then some welfare checks so they'll sit around idle and make good targets for the next time...all the while piously canting about how they want to "Maintain an Assyrian(read:Christian) presence in Iraq"...when they're ever so thankful thesmselves they aren't the ones maintaining that presence...just providing enough to keep those potential martyrs alive and handy...well it just won't wash any longer. I'm not going to stand by silent, or helpless to give Majdolin back her eyes or her children or her broken husband while these assholes go about the business of salving their consciences today while making conditions worse for theose people twenty and forty years from now. If you don't like what happened to Majdolin and can grasp that it's too late for her but CAN'T understand that some young girl who escaped bombing this time...will grow up into a lovely young woman twenty years from now and face more of the same...then you belong in the Aid and Abet society along with Narsai This is such a no-brainer that only we...the ones with a track record of not having any brains, could blythley carry on and "raise money for Assyrians"...for NEEDY Assyrians we helped to blind and maim and ruin and kill in the first place. It's good to see what we're up against...what these leaders of ours are all about. Even Narsai and most especially Narsai are in it for the quick and easy and painless good feeling-fix they get. Hell you'd think Majdolin was put here and made to go through this so that Narsai and Jackie would have something to do on that one off night a year when things are slow...except for one thing...Christians did this to her, including Christians such as Narsai...and for that alone she isn't worth a fact, the sooner gone and forgotten the better. Think again Narsai...think again. --------------------- |
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