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=> Dream Come True

Dream Come True
Posted by farid (Guest) - Sunday, October 26 2003, 22:54:50 (EST)
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On Friday night when I drove past Los Angeles on my way to Tucson I could see no evidence of any fires. On Sunday, early early in the morning before the sun rose I was driving back past Claremont where our own Walter lives and the mountains had deep orange flames and smoke everywhere.

Those of you who don't live in California don't know how often those of us who don't live in Los Angeles have prayed for the place to burn down. But as I continued up towards Frisco I was passed by lots of fire trucks and other equipment from all over racing down there to spoil it all. was a nice wish...if only the people had jacked up their houses and fled first...then it would be ideal...and this time they could rebuild the place and do it better.


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