The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> I disagree with you.

I disagree with you.
Posted by Sadie (Guest) - Tuesday, October 21 2003, 14:25:48 (EDT)
from - - Windows NT - Internet Explorer
Website title:

You have your opinion, & I have mine. I tend to believe that what really exists in this world, nature, is a bit more complex than anyone can see - that what really exists is not something that can be simply absolutized into one "good" way of being vs. another "bad" way of being. It is precisely the disregard for that complexity that proves simpletons of those arrogant, religious or not, fundamentalists. Sensitivity and intelligence are key to understanding that complexity, & I have seen religious people, from many different religions (including Christianity) & walks of life, as well as atheists who exhibit such sensitivity and intelligence.


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