The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> I know that.

I know that.
Posted by Sadie (Guest) - Friday, October 24 2003, 11:50:56 (EDT)
from - - Windows NT - Internet Explorer
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Jeff wrote:
>It's a nice quote, isn't it? Unfortunately in the movie it ends up being horrible. All that I was suggesting you do is watch that movie because it's a classic.

xxx I've read the play, but I'll see the film, since you suggest it. Another very good play by Tennessee Williams (whose estate gave lots of money to my undergraduate school; see ) is "The Glass Menagerie." Read that one in high school, & it made me feel so claustrophobic.... One sign of good literature (& music & other art) is that it makes you feel *something,* not necessarily happy or sad, but something.


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