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=> In The Land Of Green Hard-Ons

In The Land Of Green Hard-Ons
Posted by farid (Guest) - Saturday, October 25 2003, 15:27:00 (EDT)
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Just blew into Tucson. Passed loads of Saguaro cacti...those are phallic prickly pricks dotting the landscape around these parts. I'm sure the natives had a myth to explain them away...sort of like the Mesopotamian myths about male gods fornicating with the female sky to produce us little pricks. You can imagine a race of Green Gods here in Arizona lying just under the sod...morning errections breaking through the earth, aiming at the sweet Heavens above...

Actually the place looks like an ideal blind date for Sadie...I think she said her's was Green too.

So there I yam...barrleing along in this over-stuffed Buick they gave me cause they were late getting the other car to full insurance and I don't live here so 95 miles an hour is slow enough cause a ticket is just confetti these days...I reach into the CD case my darlin goil gave me for the trip and what do I pull out by Jim Atto's that's where it went to. I put it in...slow down to 80, shut my eyes and enjoy a true homeboy do his stuff. Wherever he is I thank him...I admire dancers and troubadors most of all and Jimmy is a troubador of the old school...still strapping his guitar on his back and wandering the land singing his heart.

If we were only the slightest bit civilized, what we could give to we used to before the Jews nailed us to that fucking cross.

Damn it's hot around to run my errands and get out...back through LA later tonite where I'll surprise Walter at his Waw Alap showroom...somebody warn him.


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