Interview With Narsai David |
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- Thursday, October 23 2003, 10:25:31 (EDT) from - Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Me: Mr. David I believe you were born in America of Assyrian parents, is that right? Narsai: Yes I was, but my parents came from the old country, from Turkey and Iran where many Assyrians can be found buried today. Me: And you're now president of an organization that seeks to help Assyrians caught up in this latest tragedy? Narsai: Yes I am. My organization beolieves we can best help ourselves feel good about ourselves if we help Assyrians in Iraq stay there. In the past years we've replaced tin roofs, rebuilt hovels...built schools so Assyrian children wouldn't leave and we're offering living stipends...just enough to keep them alive and just short of plane fare out. Me: Do you think it might be a greater kindness to them to allow them to do what your parents did...leave? Narsai: Undoubtedly I and my brothers benefitted greatly by not living in an apartment building in Mosul last week. But at the same time, where would our Assyrian Heritage be if we encourgaed Assyrians to go live where they could be safe? What would I get out of that? Me: I see your point. It wouldn't do you any good...but then what good does it do to stand by and help your government kill the ones there and ruin their lives and make them more enemies? Aren't you kind of working both ends of the street? Keeping Assyrians alive over there with one hand while you help kill them with the other? Narsai: I don't think you quite understand which Assyrians we are aiding. It would upset all of us here in the Bay Area and elsewhere if the Assyrians were driven out of their ancestral homeland. And of course, if there were no Assyrians over there to save I couldn't be president of this organization and that would be a shame as my leadership has so inspired Assyrians over here. It serves our purposes far more to make sure they live there AND get buried there. Naturally we want them to live as long as possible and raise children too, let's not forget that we need to increase the number of Assyrians so we can breed even more as the decades fly by. That way there will always be a fresh crop to bury and our numbers there will increase. At least there'll be an Assyrian presence in our ancient homeland...and who knows, with enough of us dead and buried there perhaps the day will come when we'll have not only our own flourishing cemetaries but a spot of land to call our own, so they'll know where to find us all in the future. Me: Who would you say benefits the most from your efforts? Narsai: That's easy, myself naturally. This has been a wonderful opportunity for me to mix my work with a new hobby. It's put the bounce back in my's increased my profile with the wealthier sort and I've got one more plaque on my wall. But don't forget, we built a school and sent some food and medicine. I realize many more schools and hospitals were destroyed by my government...but our interest is in keeping Assyrians there...let others kill them. I can't do everything myself. --------------------- |
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