Judeo-Christian Murder |
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- Tuesday, October 21 2003, 11:43:54 (EDT) from - 12-228-45-81.client.attbi.com Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
These religions are killing us. They are being fed to young children in high enough dosages that a good percentage of them get fucked for life...and it only takes the scariest among them. People were good and kind and decent long before they came along...in fact I don't recall what kindnesses Yahwe brought with him...if anything they've provided a cover and excuse and a weapon to beat people with. And when you catch them at it others tell you those aren't "reaL Christians or Jews or Muslims. I disagree...the decent people are the REAL people...these others are doing exactly what the religion calls on them to do...they have always forgiven themselves when they've killed the people of another god...even when we all know and aknowledge that they're all the same god...the god of the Jews who was an insane butcher from the start. Why are we surpirsed as we ride down to hell? --------------------- |
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