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=> Moveon raises record donations! :-)

Moveon raises record donations! :-)
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Friday, October 24 2003, 10:41:14 (EDT)
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Dear MoveOn member,

If there was a world record for the most political money raised online in the shortest amount of time, we could well have beaten it yesterday. We've never seen anything quite like it: in only 28 hours, you put up the first $1.1 million in our $10 million campaign to get out the truth about President Bush's policies. 19,433 donors chipped in together to make this happen.

This is incredibly exciting -- the money contributed so far will allow us to start airing ads as soon as the week after next. But the more we can raise up front, the better we'll be able to get these ads in front of the American public at a critical time in the national political debate. Can you help us reach $1.5 million by the end of the day? We've put up a progress bar on the pages below so you can track how we're doing.

Thanks for an amazing start to our biggest campaign ever.

--Carrie, Eli, Joan, Noah, Peter, Wes, and Zack
The Team
October 24th, 2003

-- Jeff

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