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=> Muslim Aid Society

Muslim Aid Society
Posted by farid (Guest) - Thursday, October 23 2003, 9:44:59 (EDT)
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I wonder what we'd think of a Muslim Aid Society...disguised as an Ubbaid Aid Society...or a society for the preservation of the descendants of Haroun Al Rashid...or Suleiman the by a cook in Aleppo famous for his sheish kabobs? What if they sent money to a Muslim community in Manhattan and called it "Humanitarian Aid"...or even "New York Aid"...or sent their donations to build a Madrassah where the Islamic religion and history could be taught and clinics for Muslims established near Wall Street...and if they paid their taxes to the Grand Mufti who led hate-day prayers aimed at the evil Christian Empire of the United States of America and a Muslim general in Riyadh said his god was bigger than Jesus?

How would the Christian neighbors in New York, who far outnumber the Muslim community, take to all of this?

But we don't have to imagine anything. A short course in non-religious history would show what to expect. We've been down this road before...we've heard the promises of Christian Westerners before...we've fallen for it before, not all of us but enough to make life hell for all of us. These efforts of ours to benefit the Christian minority in Iraq, or anywhere else in the MidEast, while at the same time the Christian countries we live in engage in wars and thefts and smear campaigns against the religion and people who surround our Christians on all sides brings nothing but ruin for us in the long run...while providing a bit of a high to some seriously dysfunctional leaders back here...people who would profit themselves at any and all costs...who are ignorant and proud to stay that way, of the long term consequences of their "humanitarian" themselves.

It sickens me to find Narsai David leading their ranks. In business the man's a marvel of opportunism and there isn't anything wrong with that. He isn't one to screw his employees and rob them of benefits they earn or deserve. He's a tough taskmaster but he's fair too and he tries his damndest to deliver a good product.

But he's also easy to manipulate if you're low enough and know which buttons to push...and he knows it. He has a soft side he can't protect when certain subjects are broached. It was always his greatest abiding fear that I was more clever than he when it came to using him. He mistook his own desire to work with me on these take suggestions and follow my lead as a sure sign that I had some clever hold over him or had learned the secret to getting him to do what I work for me etc. He sold himself short...didn't realize he was as interested and concerned as I was...that it was his inspiration as well as mine. What threw him was that I made sense in many areas and he found himself following...something he'd never done with anyone before...but it wasn't a spell cast by was the call of the work to be done...we were both seduced by the task at's just that we were involved with medium, not his and so it seemed he was the he was and that's something he's never done in his life...and it rankled and galled him all the time....barely hidden under the surface.

Now he's his own man again...dealing in things that he knows best of all...better than most of the people at the top of his profession...and the man's a genius at it. But for what? To see all that ability harnessed to charlatans and oportunists of the worst sort was more than I could bear because I care for the SOB a lot more than those who are using him now...playing up to him and "yessing" him as I never would. He has no competition rival. Who would stand against him in the kitchen?

The sad thing is what he got roped they were able to grab his heart strings and play on them by showing him videos of Assyrians camping in the snow again...without food again...refugees again. Well...let him take a good look at Majdolin's eyes. That's the flip side of his work for Christians over there.

The bombs and the medicines too come from the United States. This is where the greatest good can be done the Christians of Iraq...this is where you start the process of healing those lands, because this is where the damage originates from and no Christian in Iraq will prosper if the country itself and the Muslims within it and around it are being pounded and pummeled by foreign Christians. This is where the people are ignorant and therefore murderous. This is where the wealthier Assyrians are, the most educated and successful...this is where Assyrians can be encouraged to take pride in themselves AS Assyrians, who can matter in the world again and not just as the dismal martyrs and victims our Christians love so much till you'd think it's the greatest thing they aspire to and would emulate and possibly even encourage.

The Iraqi people...Majdolin's people, needed nothing from the United States...needed nothing from Narsai. Of all the lies that were spun the one about Iraqis suffering under Saddam was the worst, as if Black Americans don't suffer in America... because it led to everything else. And you know that when you hear so little...from our people especially, now that their suffering has increased under Christian attack and occupation. Before the United States fired the Shah there was nothing but talk of human right's violations in Iran...of the Savak and secret police and illegal detention. When he was gone and the Mullahs installed by the CIA and stories came of the incredible suffering of the Persian people...not a word about human right's abuses was to be heard.

And we too say nothing of the damage done to the people everyone supposedly wanted to save. Bush wanted to save the Iraqis and we wanted to save our "dear" people. We didn't. Bush wanted a war between and among Muslims and then Israelis...and we wanted Muslim's killed. You know that because we have no interest in Majdolin...none whatsoever but would have if a Muslim had done this to her. In fact most us hate the idea of a Majdolin now and wish she'd quietly died along with her children. But she didn't. She's there to give the lie to all of us Assyrians and Chaldeans. We're doing what the tribal idiots did when they turned their backs on a beloved daughter who got herself raped...she became damaged goods from that day on and the sight of her hurt us more than we cared for her pain and suffering...which we compounded and made worse almost than what the rapist had done to her.

The eyes of Majdolin are upon us...they see. They see deep into us and we're uncomfoprtable under their gaze. She lost them...or rather we have them trained on us. You can't hide from that kind of scrutiny.

She watches us...and she waits. And Narsai will have his fancy dinner next month and bask in his own glory...preen under the adoring gaze of fat people...and he'll send money to the Christians in Iraq to make sure their Muslim neighbors have good cause to hate this infamous religion some more...the religion that sends a tank to cut you to pieces and then sends a band-aid you can spread among 20 wounded.

Majdolin will be at that dinner.


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