The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Oh my GOODNESS! : (

Oh my GOODNESS! : (
Posted by Sadie (Guest) - Monday, October 20 2003, 13:11:35 (EDT)
from - - Windows NT - Internet Explorer
Website title:

>Sam Abbod, who co-owned the former Chaldean-Assyrian American Social Club in El Cajon, where Wardiya first made her case for her sister, said if the Chaldean community helped the Yonans, it would have to help everyone else who was maimed or lost loved ones in the war.
>"The community will be broke in two days," he said. "Helping one and leaving thousands behind is not a good Samaritan."

xxx What an asshole! Talk about a flimsy excuse! First of all, if you supported the war, you should be willing to help out those you supposedly wanted to "free." Every action has its consequences, & where were these people when the Pentagon was planning the war or when Bush was talking about a preemptive strike? If anything, they could have thought about the outcomes & either helped prevent the war by protesting & speaking out OR they could have been more involved in mobilizing various American organizations to help with the aftermath. Secondly, where would any other community organization be if they made it a condition to helping out a single person that they would have to help out ALL of the needy or starving people in one community or the world? The Red Cross/ICRC would not exist! Neither would any other organization that existed to help out ethnic minority communities in this country! For goodness sake, if you refuse to help out a single person in your community, then what good is your organization? Does it just exist in name? Or to make money for stupid things, like parties? Or to add some extra dough to the organization's president's salary?


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