The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: About Time

Re: About Time
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Thursday, October 23 2003, 11:38:46 (EDT)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Netscape
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Tiglath wrote:
>I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but one-third of Saladin's army used to drive the blood-thirsty crusaders out of the Middle East were actually of the Christian religion. They were considered heretics by the crusaders and also put to the sword.
>Imagine that, Salladin the magnificent, a Kurd, led a one-third Christian and two-third Muslim army to defeat the murderous and barbaric crusaders!
>If only we'd learn from our history.

As the new saying goes, he who doesn't learn from history is bound to be called an Assyrian. -Tiglath, 2003.


Ameen to that


-- Jeff

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