The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Has Anyone Seen This?

Re: Has Anyone Seen This?
Posted by Farid (Moderator) - Wednesday, December 24 2003, 17:01:48 (EST)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...I donīt. But our cynnicism...or rather our honesty in dropping the pretense is now such that, as Moore said...we donīt even have to bother manufacturing the proof for a war...neither will it matter when this whole thing unravels. Fines will be paid...immunity will be granted, pardons issued...and billions kept anyway. Bush did his job...heīs better off losing the election...let the Dems "rebuild" the economy and allow you all to raise another bumper crop of "Men of the Year"

Who says god is asleep or the educational system in the US is falling apart.

We the people deserve everything we get.


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