The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: I disagree with you.

Re: I disagree with you.
Posted by farid (Guest) - Tuesday, October 21 2003, 15:45:02 (EDT)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Sadie wrote:
>You have your opinion, & I have mine. I tend to believe that what really exists in this world, nature, is a bit more complex than anyone can see - that what really exists is not something that can be simply absolutized into one "good" way of being vs. another "bad" way of being.

+++Well bully for you and yes it's true that the real world is far more complex than we can ever hope to know and we don't have all the facts and probably never will so how can we know what to do and by the way your money pays for all this mayhem you lament and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it besides maintain a loftier than thou attitude and speak as if only you understand these things and not the people you're helping to kill. It's also a great way to avoid taking action. I'm sure the next time some zealous admirer starts up your leg you aren't going to wait for "all the facts to get shoved in there" before you decide to do something. Religions deny that is intellectually dishonest and fueled by a desire to be nice to Granny...

It is precisely the disregard for that complexity that proves simpletons of those arrogant, religious or not, fundamentalists.

+++Fuck your simplicity and your arrogance too. It doesn't take a whole lot of brains...maybe half of what you have, to figure out that religion is a weapon of mass destruction. You need some more PROVES?

Sensitivity and intelligence are key to understanding that complexity, & I have seen religious people, from many different religions (including Christianity) & walks of life, as well as atheists who exhibit such sensitivity and intelligence.

+++You ain't listenning...that's cause your ears are stuffed with you. I said there are good people all over the place and they are good inspite of these religions not because of them...that they agree to be a part of the official religion because they actually believe heavens and hells will make better people of their children and neighbors...they don't. They make monsters of people.

+++One of these days you'll step out of your Van and you might learn something. People who live in trucks are disadvantaged to begin with.


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