The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Jews are getting nervous

Re: Jews are getting nervous
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, January 24 2004, 14:26:08 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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good points all. I know you know it`s a typo there where you call it World War I.

The White Man is desperate to stave off the inevitable...that Darkies make better Whoopie and actually LIKE their children...far more than their pets, if they even have any. It`s nature`s way of getting rid of Whites.

But in the meantime these maggots are going to do everything and use everything they can think of to take back Los Angeles and keep the American Muslim movement cowering in fear among other useless attempts to remain "dominant".

This is NOT the time to retreat...we Darkies are winning this war imposed on us by the white man...we just have to be sure not to try to match weapons and savagery with him...let`s just keep humping our darlings...what could be easier!


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