The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: National Work

Re: National Work
Posted by farid (Guest) - Tuesday, October 21 2003, 8:15:31 (EDT)
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farid wrote:
>This is just too delicious to pass up. When we aren't blathering about Mar Ones and Twos we're blubbering about politics...I especially love the number of pissant groups all clamoring for attention like any number of kids in a kindergarten outing...these guys must provide endless hours of comic relief for the people actually doing anything.
>Just remember as you read this hot item that all in all the grand total of the membership in these illustrious organizations is about 75 Christians...on a good day when it isn't raining and there's no soccer on TV.
>And at that they're doing what we've always done best...boycott whatever era we find ourselves they boycotted any civilized way of life for the last 1300 years since Islam threw Christ out...after the Jews got us to throw Ashur out.
>Amsterdan committee should boycott the conference for other reasons, and NOT only for the way of organizing it, and the REAL reasons behing the boycotting should be announced because they are rightful.

++++It just struck me that boycotting is the flip side of banning banning and deleted. In both cases the person is refusing something and using that refusal to engage in action as an action. When you refuse to make a decision, you really do make a's a negative one, but it IS a decision nonetheless. I think they've been doing this kind of thing for a long time. People boycott when there's no other action they can take and usually boycotting something has serious consequences to the people doing it...they suffer something for it. In this case it costs them nothing. They just stay home and watch TV. Even if they participated it wouldn't do anything for their "position" because it's an absurd one and we know that by the way they the way we all behave when we split into twenty groups each made up of three cousins and their wives. Boycott, or don't...what fucking difference does it make. If there was a meeti9ng held at their job to decide wherther they got a ten cent raise an know goddamn well they wouldn't skip it...but Assyria? What the fuck have they got to do with any Assyria...or with anything for that matter. Who cares...where does it matter? If they all shut the fuck up and stop calling in airstrikes and collaborating and just pulled in the same direction as the people of the country instead of going against them every chance they got they wouldn't need this pissant political groups. These people are totally fact I'm not sure they form they groups JUST SO they can boycott each forums are set up to CUT OFF speech and thought and interaction...acting in ways contrary to the very essence of what a forum could stifle not to shut off and shut down rather than engage.
>Stands.. Stands... WE NEED STANDS !

+++For a television...for a potted plant...for what? They want to "take a stand" on issues...why? If no one let's you in the room or wants to hear you, or you keep yourself out...why do your "STANDS" matter?
>: According the Bahro Production (an TV
>: broadcasting institution which belongs to
>: Bethnahrain Freedom Party - GHB) TEBE
>: Programm on last Sunday (19.10.2003, 19.35
>: pm.), the Assyrian-Chaldean-Syriac political
>: parties will not participate at the Baghdad
>: Conference, organized by ADM and Mtakasta.
>: In a telephone call, Mr. Isho Eshaia, Secretary
>: General of ANO said, that the comittee which
>: was founded at the Amsterdam Connference on
>: April 2003, will not particpate on the
>: Baghdad Conference because of several
>: points.
>: He said that they can do their Conference, and
>: later they can meet in Baghdad to adopt a
>: common resolution. The Amsterdam Committee
>: has 8 members, which are representatives of
>: the political parties, who attended to the
>: amsterdam conference (AUA, ANO, HBA, GHB,
>: GFA, ADP, Shuraya, ALM).
>: According an other source from Baghdad - also
>: reported in Tebe Program by Mr. Mihayel
>: Khoshaba - the political Parties will not
>: participate in the ADM and ADO Conference,
>: because it is an ANTI UNITY

+++Love it. They won't participate because they couldn't get their they're used to doing on their forums and so they decided ahead of time that their Aunty had no Unity. I love the way these guys use speech. They each have their own definitions of Hanna's dictionary has its's a very babble of voices.

Conference and
>: only organised by both parties.
>: Bethnahrain Patritioc Union (Huyada d
>: Bethnahrain Athraya - HBA), Bethnahrain
>: Democratic Party - Iraq, Chaldean Democratic
>: Party (CDP), Caldean National Congress,
>: Assyrian Patriotic Party (APP), the
>: ChaldoAssur Council and the Babylon
>: Association Bahgdad will boycott the
>: meeting, which should only represent the
>: goals and profits of ADM.

+++Well in Iraq they're having meetings that only address their own "goals and profits" and the whole point is thast these guys don't consider themselves a part of Iraq...they are something called the "Assyrian Nation". They've been boycotting life in BetNahrain for 1300 years...they just want everyone to know they still are. They could all go...all get unified and it wouldn't mean anything all the Native Americans getting together and forming one council and making one demand in one voice...just make it easier to wipe them all out at ONE time.
>: I think soon a letter and a press release will
>: be published.

+++That's what they want!!! They long to hols press conferences and issue press releases as they do "Demands"! This national woprk is an exercise in petulance, that's all.
>: Until then

+++Jeez we can't wait. I'm sure it will be watershed event for us all.
>: Nahrin


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