The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Okay and now to ...

Re: Okay and now to ...
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Tuesday, October 21 2003, 22:17:49 (EDT)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Netscape
Website title:

Alexander wrote:
>Jews Do Not rule the world(nor does the US)
>Jews are involved in much financing throughout the world(including the US)
>It depends on whether you place more emphasis on economics or pure politics, although they are both interrelated.
>The End.

*** The master of all "baiters" has spoken. This didn't enlighten me at all!

I never implied that Jews ruled the world. In fact, to interpret my post of the crazy guy who does as such is not correct. I posted that as humor.

Your second statement is simply your opinion.

Some historical background: In several countries the Christians were forbidden by their churches to take part in certain financial practices (i.e. "Usury"), in the same way that Muslims are forbidden to sell alcohol in Iraq. The Jews filled that void, just as our people filled the void in Iraq and became liquor store owners, among other things.

Enlighten THIS
(jeff makes crude gestures toward the computer screen)

-- Jeff

The full topic:

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