Re: U.S. Arab voting clout grows |
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- Friday, October 17 2003, 12:14:41 (EDT) from - - Windows 2000 - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
I violently disagree...if we saw anything it was that tens of thousands of votes DON'T count. American politics is fueled by the public's perceptions of reality, not reality...and we have in this country people who are paid billions to mould public opinion and they do it with every way and any way there is way before people get their ballots, which may or may not get stuffed. I'll mention the case of Elian Gonzalez again...that started out as if scripted by Republican gods...and blew up when one image...not a factoid or study or political rally...but one single image shook enough people to allow the United States government to carry out its own laws, obey its courts and officers. Till then public opinion as expressed in the polls stopped them cold. It matters what's going on in the bubblegum heads of the people who vote...matters far more than their votes do...Hitler was voted into office too. --------------------- |
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