The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: You mean...

Re: You mean...
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Saturday, October 25 2003, 0:22:56 (EDT)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Netscape
Website title:

Sadie wrote:
>... like being involved in a lawsuit... & I'm not going to say why or mention who got you into this mess without acknowledging his responsibility for getting you involved with Jackie.... Now, THERE'S an extracurricular activity.

I see it as a positive life experience under my belt. I'm probably in with a club of less than 200 others my age who have been sued for this amount and for this reason... probably more like 5.

Join the club! It's a grand ole time.

Guiness book of world records, anyone? Guiness anyone?

-- Jeff

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